I just love this idea. An OXP that can sit in your folder for decades and may never be used by you. You may even be in a system with one of the ships in it, but (for example) you were just passing through, using the system to scoop-fuel, and missed the only chance you'd ever get to seeing one of these beautiful antiques.
I just love this idea. An OXP that can sit in your folder for decades and may never be used by you. You may even be in a system with one of the ships in it, but (for example) you were just passing through, using the system to scoop-fuel, and missed the only chance you'd ever get to seeing one of these beautiful antiques.
And if they were dockable, a mission screen could appear, with Pangloss' nice pic as a background
Perhaps there would also be trading opportunities with a generation ship, if you docked?
I assume it would be easy to script this, and even make sense, and be very cool ...
Yes that would be very cool. Also are backgrounds now possible? There was a discussion on this topic a while ago in the suggestion box. Then also the very good backgrounds for the station from Deepspace could be applied.
Unless it was a very contrived mission where after doing some work for the Navy you got as a "reward" the opportunity to dock with a generation ship?
I could imagine this sort of mission: There's a generation ship in interstellar space which is about to break. As usual, the navy has a fleet of their own ships around it to prevent any interference...but the player has to fly in front of that ship (not too far away) and jump to a nearby system, thus creating a witchspace bubble the generation ship could use and thus deliver it's inhabitants in the last minute.
The navy already could shorten any generation ships trip - they simply do not want that to happen because they do not want so many people arriving at an already colonized planet! Have a look at refugees from africa to europe...they rather let them drown in their boats!
Maybe that mission could even have a choice...the player could also stick with the navy and shoot down a group of people who are trying to help them this way Afterwards, the player is either hunted by the navy (probably not officially) or the group which tried to help those poor souls
I could imagine that exceptions might be made to deliver medical supplies or spare parts or something to one, or risk the entire population dying.
It would be one hell of a shock to suddenly have a repairman knocking at your door after you've been alone for 300 years or so. Also kinda defeats the whole point of continuing on - I'd imaging quite a large chunk of the population would want to emigrate and join GalCop instead of continuing to head towards the original destination (which has most likely already been populated in the meantime) as brave pioneers.
I'd imagine that Generation Ships wouldn't have docking slits - They were built at a time when they wouldn't expect to encounter smaller craft once they left orbit. If they had a docking slit while in orbit of Earth (or their planet of origin), that space would have been reclaimed during outbound operations to provide some other functionality. Leaving space dedicated to docking small craft that you never again expect to encounter - Nah, not likely.
Also, I'd expect that isolation imposed on Generation Ships is for the protection of the on-board crews, not for anyone outside the ship. Therefore, I also imagine even Navy pilots are forbidden from communicating or flying anywhere even remotely within visual / scanner range.