Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by Wildeblood »

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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by MrFlibble »

I'm having no luck with this. I've tried adding Explorers Club, then removing that and the FE shipyards teleport (which was aboard to begin with). While I had the FE teleport installed, I tried to configure with Torus button to avoid conflict.

Installed by renaming to SEX_Drive.oxz and dropping in ~/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite/AddOns.

The configurator is there in F4. I select "Fuel injectors button", hit return. Go in again, select "Ex Club incompatibility: No Explorers' Club logging." "Your selected options were injectors engaged and no exclub."

Leave the station. Nothing unusual happens when pressing selected button.

Return to station. The configurator is gone.

The same happens for me with a new commander. Nothing happens, and it's gone when returning to station.
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by Cholmondely »

Maybe try Armagnac rather than Brandy?

Actually, Old Murgh is our resident expert in this sort of thing. He's up to the eyeballs in it up in Norway!
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by Wildeblood »

MrFlibble wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:17 pm
I'm having no luck with this. I've tried adding Explorers Club, then removing that and the FE shipyards teleport (which was aboard to begin with). While I had the FE teleport installed, I tried to configure with Torus button to avoid conflict.

Installed by renaming to SEX_Drive.oxz and dropping in ~/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite/AddOns.
Yep, that should do it. Very first thing, thank you for trying it out. Secondly, I realized today that by leaving it with an unfinished (coming in V1.1) function for co-ordinating with Explorers' Club, I'd accidentally created a dependency on Explorers' Club, and it will not work at all without the Explorers' Club AddOn present.

So, the first group of options, how teleport is triggered, do work. The bottom two, how to deal with Ex Club, do nothing - you can choose either or neither, it makes no difference in this version. But I was unaware when I shared it that not having Ex Club alongside it, would cripple it. That was unintentional and a surprize when I re-read the code this morning and realized what I'd done. :oops:

So anyway, it will check with Explorers' Club whether the system you're in is one that is already logged as visited before, and if so, teleporting about is allowed, but if the current system is not in your Ex Club record, teleporting is verboten until you jump to another system. That is why you're only seeing the F4 screen interface at startup, not when you re-dock. I don't really know what to say, this is all a bit embarrassing. (I'm a bit rusty with the javascript.)
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by Wildeblood »

Wildeblood wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:16 pm
I realized today that by leaving it with an unfinished (coming in V1.1) function for co-ordinating with Explorers' Club, I'd accidentally created a dependency on Explorers' Club, and it will not work at all without the Explorers' Club AddOn present.
For anyone reading this in the Future (Do we ever get flying cars?), who might want a laugh, here's the state I left it in:

Code: Select all

    this._checkExClubStatus = function () {
        var ws = worldScripts['Explorers Club'];
        if (ws && ws._playerVisited(galaxyNumber, system.ID)) {
            this._teleportAllowed = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            this._teleportAllowed = false;
            return false;
As you can see, it correctly checks with Explorers' Club, and disables teleporting if this is our first visit to the current system. It never even occurred to me to question, what happens if Explorers' Club isn't there? I mean, who are these people?
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by MrFlibble »

Thanks for the rapid and detailed replies, and the nod in the direction of where I can tweak for scientific evaluation :wink:

I'll play with Explorers Club another day.
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by Wildeblood »

Again, thank you for trying it out. If you're happy to edit the script, this is what it should have been:

Code: Select all

    this._checkExClubStatus = function () {
        var ws = worldScripts['Explorers Club'];
        if (ws) {
            if (ws._playerVisited(galaxyNumber, system.ID)) {
                this._teleportAllowed = true;
                return true;
            } else {
                this._teleportAllowed = false;
                return false;
        } else {
            this._teleportAllowed = true;
            return true;
Last edited by Wildeblood on Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Special Equipment, Experimental (SE-X Drive)

Post by MrFlibble »

MrFlibble wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:17 am
and the nod in the direction of where I can tweak for scientific evaluation :wink:
Tweaked. Allowed. Working.

Had to go to a high TL to remove the FE teleport without ripping out the OXP and stuffing another character.

I've not teleported into any planets or stars, which makes a change.

Bonus... set space compass to 'star' and injectors can be safely used right after jump.

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