Here is a little backstory on the wiki, but really, I just made some ships with a bit of retro-design vibe a la WW2 or maybe the 50s... (it more or less happened )
The draco:
The dragonette:
The wyrm:
I haven't added it to the oxp list yet, but I will. Any errors/problems please in this thread and many thanks to spara and norby for helping someone with obviously weak wiki-fu...
EDIT: You find it under ships in the built in oxz manager.
Version 1.0.3
I changed the role weights and a little part of the world script regarding the placement of certain pirate activities... and added a README.txt
Last edited by Rorschachhamster on Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Very nice! It's good to finally see some more Rorschachhamster ships!
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
Heading to Isoned's sun, met this peaceful lot, who were happy to be photo buzzed Edit: You might want to have a look at the role weighting in the shipdata.plist and the chance in shipyard.plist so that they aren't so common.
Regarding the role weighting: Dammit, I have to remember that not everybody has almost all ship oxps installed...
Edit: This post should be under Venator's ... wich it isn't or maybe wasn't when you read this...
First off, BIG Kudos for the ships!!!! I just luuuuuuuuuv the look of them.
Unfortunately I seem to have a problem with this extension pack when running it in 1.84. The problem is that I lose the fuel range circles in both short range and long range screens when I have this installed and the circles re-appear when I uninstall this.
Any idea what is conflicting?
I checked the logs and couldn't find any errors apart from the following:
09:37:19.738 [LogEvents]: Player exited from the vicinity of [Planet position: (0, 0, 712440) radius: 59370 m]
09:37:19.738 [LogEvents]: Player lost lock on Worm 21143
09:37:20.103 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
09:37:20.107 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-populator 1.84): Error: Ship.setCargoType: Invalid arguments ("SCARCE_GOODS") -- expected Can only be used on cargo pod carriers, not cargo pods (Fireball_XL5-trader).
09:37:20.238 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
09:37:20.359 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
09:37:20.650 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
which are unrelated anyway because they pop up as well when the dragonships are not loaded.
Flying The Sizzlin' Suzie VI, a trusty and venerable Boa Class Cruiser in Oolite 1.84 on
under Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 64-bit
with a Geforce GT610 videocard
The problem in the post above plus a small error in the scripts is fixed in this version:
Since I don't have the permission to update this package on the expansion manager, I send a PM to phkb. Until he finds time this one should work fine.
Link updated to Version 1.0.4
Last edited by montana05 on Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going.
The problem in the post above plus a small error in the scripts is fixed in this version:
Since I don't have the permission to update this package on the expansion manager, I send a PM to phkb. Until he finds time this one should work fine.
OK, you should now have access to update the download manager for this OXP and upload a new version to the wiki.