In high orbit on the dark side of Tionisla, the famed Tionsila Chronicle broadcasts the latest news across the galaxy.

Sixty hexagonal high-intensity FTL transmitter panels - each one fully half a kilometer across on opposite points - adorn a trio of arms each nearly two kilometers long that protrude from the central hub of the broadcast array. The incredible amount of energy fed to the panels means that the TCA is visible from the planets surface, despite it being constantly shrouded from the sun.

The Tionisla Chronicle Array is home to a huge staff of maintenance engineers, holocam crews and of course reporters, delivering to you up-to-the-minute breaking news no matter where you travel.

The Tionisla Chronicle Array is by no means the only Broadcast Array across the eight charts, although it is the most famous.

The Tionisla Chronicle Array - Tionisla, Chart 1
The Views of the Worlds Array - Xeabiti, Chart 2
The GNN Array - Geusdi, Chart 3
The Daily Wail Array - Quonzo, Chart 4
The G5TVN Array - Maeser, Chart 5
The Rooters Array - Tiregees, Chart 6
The StarSports Array - Zarausxe, Chart 7
The Snoopers Array - Maabile, Chart 8
The TCA oxp can be downloaded at:
I hope to add missions and appropriate station traffic in future versions.
My thanks to Drew, DaddyHoggy, Svengali, and Disembodied for use of the Snoopers OXP channels.
Credits to Smivs for the G5TVN Channel.
Thanks to DaddyHoggy again for Views of the World and the Daily Wail channels.
StarSports is my own channel addition.
Thanks to Okti and Cim for scripting help.