(NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by timer »

Hm... as I can see - author last time login at 01 Feb 2013 :cry:

As for me - I am using this OXP and I like it.

I can convert it to OXZ and upload to oolite.org OXPs list... any objections?

PS As for ReverseControl - it call deactivate SniperLock :?

Code: Select all

var sn = worldScripts["sniperlock"];
if( sn ) sn.deactivate = "TRUE";
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Norby »

Was a must due to a bug reported here, but now I found a solution so [EliteWiki] ReverseControl v1.3 should work together with SniperLock, thanks for the report.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Thargoid »

timer wrote:
I can convert it to OXZ and upload to oolite.org OXPs list... any objections?
Look at the license of the OXP/Z. That will tell you what is allowed and what is not. And if the license doesn't exist, then you can't do anything with it.

The same applies to all expansion packs - just because an author may have stepped back from updating them. unless they have suitably licensed them or given their explicit permission for someone else to take over them then it doesn't mean that anyone can do so.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by timer »


I am a programmer, I am working by programmer last 10 years. I just wanted to help these wonderful OXPs to stay updated.
Absolutely no claim to ownership rights. I will not offer "update not my OXP to OXZ" any more.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Norby »

Thargoid wrote:
Look at the license of the OXP/Z. That will tell you what is allowed and what is not.
This OXP is under the Creative Commons v3.0 license with the following clauses, so it is possible to convert if the product satisfy these:
Whilst you are free (and encouraged) to re-use any of the scripting in this OXP, the usage must be distinct from that within this OXP. Unique identifiers such as (but not limited to) unique shipdata.plist entity keys, mission variables, script names (this.name), equipment identity strings (EQ_), description list arrays and entity roles must not be re-used without prior agreement. Basically if it's unique or would identify or overwrite anything in the original OXP, then you may not re-use it (for obvious compatibility reasons).
For example if you replace all instances of "lock" to "computer" and mention that the original code is written by CommonSenseOTB then you made a new "Sniper Computer" equipment under your maintenance and you are free to release in OXZ form.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Thargoid »

I know the clause - I originally wrote it ;-)

It was general advice for this kind of scenario, as there was another conversion done recently that the original author (Frame) may not have approved of. In this case I agree that there is no issue, as the licence (a copy of the one I use) specifically allows it.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Rese249er »

timer wrote:
I can convert it to OXZ and upload to oolite.org OXPs list...
What's the status on that? I'd done a search of the forum to download this, but if its OXZ release is imminent...
Eh I'm downloading anyway and will replace when OXZ format comes out, frag the price.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Diziet Sma »

Rese249er wrote:
timer wrote:
I can convert it to OXZ and upload to oolite.org OXPs list...
What's the status on that? I'd done a search of the forum to download this, but if its OXZ release is imminent...
Dunno.. timer hasn't logged in here for just over 3 months now.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by spud42 »

timer wrote:

I am a programmer, I am working by programmer last 10 years. I just wanted to help these wonderful OXPs to stay updated.
Absolutely no claim to ownership rights. I will not offer "update not my OXP to OXZ" any more.
from this i gather he isnt doing anything......

in responce to Thargoids post above this....i guess he misunderstood the warning to check licence as a you cant update them? who knows...
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by Milo »

Please see my post on the Telescope 2.0 thread about compatibility. I see from earlier in this thread that ReverseControl uses the deactivate switch in this OXP, so the multiple-OXPs problem I described is not hypothetical. In my view the best long-term solution would be to adopt the reference counting method I described in the linked post, and then have Telescope and Reverse Control use that method.

If you want to maintain backwards compatibility, you could add the refcount as a separate new variable to sniperlock.js's startUp:

Code: Select all

this.deactivateRefCount = 0;// other OXPs that want SniperLock to pause should increment this variable by 1 until done with the conflicting activity, then decrement it by 1
Then change line 70 (what was 69) of sniperlock.js to this:

Code: Select all

   if( (!player.ship.target) || (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_SNIPERLOCK") !== "EQUIPMENT_OK") || (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET") !== "EQUIPMENT_OK") || (this.deactivate === "TRUE") || (this.deactivateRefCount > 0) ) // this.deactivate is checked for backwards compatibility with Reverse Control until it updates to use the refcount variable instead
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by dybal »

SniperLock_Fix OXP 1.0 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

It fixes a compatibility problem with Telescope, details here.

Due to the restrictions to CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 added to the license of SniperLock OXP, the OXP itself can't be modified to fix the problem, so a new OXP was necessary... I chose to preserve CommomSenseOTB work and just overwrite one property of the script object created in Oolite after the OXP is loaded with a reference to a wrap function on the original SniperLock FCB function.
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[RELEASE]SniperLock Plus OXP, v1.0

Post by dybal »

[EliteWiki] SniperLock Plus OXP v1.0 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

SniperLock Plus
v1.0, by Dybal

SniperLock Plus is an upgraded version of SniperLock.

Like SniperLock, it makes small corrections to your ship steering to keep you on-target if you are in Forward or Aft views and your target is at least 5km away, but unlike its cousin it is able to compensate for off-centre weapons.

It doesn't change the ship's optical pickup's position, so if the ship has an off-centre weapon, when SniperLock Plus is active the target will be locked aligned with the weapon and will appear off-centre in the crosshairs if there is too much parallax between the weapon mount and the optical pickup.


This OXP is based on CommonSenseOTB's SniperLock OXP.

I would rather have updated the original OXP, but since SniperLock OXP's license doesn't allow for modifications of the original OXP, I wrote instead an OXP that adds to it, without trying to completely supersed it: SniperLock Plus equipment costs significantly more and only brings a real benefit for those ships with weapons way off the longitudinal axis... for the vast majority of ships, whose weapons are not that off-centre, SniperLock still offers better value.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) SniperLockv1.oxp

Post by dybal »

[EliteWiki] SniperLock Plus OXP v1.0.1 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

  • Fixes equipment-overrides.plist so it's parsed on Macs - the equipment-overrides makes the normal sniperlock equipment not be shown in Ship Outfitting for ships that already upgraded to sniperlock plus.
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[RELEASE] SniperLock Plus v1.0.2

Post by dybal »

[EliteWiki] SniperLock Plus OXP v1.0.2 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

  • Fixes bug when calculating ship model weapon position offset.
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