Hello just sticking my nose in here, really should be in bed

I wanted to ask a favour as I can't currently get Oolite run on my machine due to the sound being knackered, would someone be kind enough to post a few different angles of the cobra courier and I'll have a go at the Mutabilis cover, not sure if I'd get something worthy done in time but I want an excuse to use my graphics tablet again.
Am just reading through it to get some images in my head..
I have to say if there was to be a 'dream team' I prefer Ramon's re-make of the Anaconda to Griff's Boa (Don't take offense Griff I'll state my reasoning

Out of further interest where can I see Selezen's remakes? (was there anyone else mentioned for the 'dream team', I like gawping at other peoples talent?

EDIT: Half asleep numpty, there's enough angles on the other book cover entry's for me to make one up