SandJ wrote:In galaxy 5, I took a Galactic Navy mission to Xeaten. It was a long trip and I picked up a passenger contract and an Alloys delivery contract on the way.
Unfortunately, I saw some good offers for Alloys and sold them, thinking I must have picked them up as ship parts or from mining.
On docking at Xeaten (having personally taken out much of the Thargoid invasion force and still got no medal) I got told off for not having the Alloys I was supposed to deliver.
Thankfully, I have 26 hours left and I am only 2 hours jump away from an Anarchy, so with some luck I can buy a replacement stock to deliver.
Have you ever done that? Sold a cargo you were supposed to deliver?
Nope, I haven't. I've done my share of contracts, but
Taylor Miller has a 20 ton cargo hold, so I haven't done any for a while.
As for the poll, I chose, "If I want cargo, I blow up a Boa. And its escorts. And the GalCops." Of course, I rarely want cargo.

But when I do, it's more like, "If I want cargo, I blow up a Boa. And its escorts. But GalCop will never know, 'cause I'm still rated clean."