Search found 296 matches

by m4r35n357
Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:36 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8
Replies: 44
Views: 31955

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8

Heh, I'm not exactly flush with free time ATM as I'm working, so I'll have to think about that one. Not even sure how to save a convincing replica of a rumble in progress . . . prolly lots of variables ;) When I took on Furball I was really more excited about an interesting obstable to docking, so I...
by m4r35n357
Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:53 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [RELEASE] - OOliteInfo3d
Replies: 10
Views: 6918

Re: [RELEASE] - OOliteInfo3d

Hmmmm... Text should be a standard function of vPython. Which version have you got installed? !m! Debian wheezy package ii python-visual 1:5.12-1.5 i386 VPython 3D scientific visualization library looks like the packagers might have gone mad & split it up or something, I'll see if I can find ou...
by m4r35n357
Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:11 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [RELEASE] - OOliteInfo3d
Replies: 10
Views: 6918

Re: [RELEASE] - OOliteInfo3d

Partial success here: $ python OOLITEINFO 3D - Startup.... Linux posix 3.2.0-4-686-pae Win: ('', '', '', '') Linux: ('debian', '7.0', '') Mac: ('', ('', '', ''), '') Java: ('', '', ('', '', ''), ('', '', '')) Functions defined - Running Draw the grid Reading Galaxy Data 1 Plotting Pl...
by m4r35n357
Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:01 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8
Replies: 44
Views: 31955

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8

Er, thanks guys, not quite a furball but yes there is a new version, I usually put new stuff in the top message, should have linked it really, or go to the Wiki page in my sig. And I think we all know that new releases are BAD for download stats ;)
by m4r35n357
Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:44 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8
Replies: 44
Views: 31955

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8

Bump for maketing purposes. Have Fun!
by m4r35n357
Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:19 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?
Replies: 117
Views: 48285

Re: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?

D'oh!, pretty sure I've seen at least one of those before, anyway, no more excuses ;)
by m4r35n357
Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:47 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?
Replies: 117
Views: 48285

Re: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?

El Viejo wrote:
Ah... I certainly don't recall seeing it in BBC Elite.
Easily done with an OXP I would think! Might look into it after I've refreshed my other stuff for 1.77 . . .
by m4r35n357
Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:46 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?
Replies: 117
Views: 48285

Re: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?

El Viejo wrote:
m4r35n357 wrote:
... "you have been boarded by pirates"
Remind me... which version of Elite is that from?
I remember it from the Speccy days, not sure if I ever saw it on the ST version though.
by m4r35n357
Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:28 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?
Replies: 117
Views: 48285

Re: Is it time to 'fix' the Anaconda?

My thoughts, FWIW; keep the Anaconda as is, restore the energy bomb (with reduced effect), reduce speed of Cobra, and reintroduce "you have been boarded by pirates" ;)
by m4r35n357
Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:03 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8
Replies: 44
Views: 31955

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.6

El Viejo wrote:
Que... I never said that! <chuckles>
Oopsie! Note to self: don't attempt anything intelligent whilst knackered ;)
by m4r35n357
Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:47 pm
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.8
Replies: 44
Views: 31955

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Furball 1.5

CaptSolo wrote:
El Viejo wrote:
The only brawler I don't like to see is the Imperial Courier which I gave three forward military lasers. What's more, they are not breakable.
Hehe yer gets what yer has installed ;)
Chances are he'll get distracted if you stay out of his way for long enough . . .
by m4r35n357
Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:55 pm
Forum: Oolite-Linux
Topic: I think I broke the Ooniverse? help
Replies: 35
Views: 20752

Re: I think I broke the Ooniverse? help

Try deleting or moving the file

Code: Select all

You will need to set the game config up again from scratch, but that file is capable of storing bad settings or combinations of settings between installs.
by m4r35n357
Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:52 pm
Forum: Oolite-Linux
Topic: Oolite on Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 works without major tweaks!
Replies: 14
Views: 16476

Re: Oolite on Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 works without major tweaks

Just to be absolutely clear, the gnustep bug was never about crashes or instability, it merely prevented the packaged version of the game from working ;)
All my recent comments regarding this have been about the Debian/Ubuntu packages, sorry if I gave the wrong impression!
by m4r35n357
Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:00 pm
Forum: Oolite-Linux
Topic: Oolite on Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 works without major tweaks!
Replies: 14
Views: 16476

Re: Oolite on Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 works without major tweaks

Yeah, I think it's mainly a due to Debian finally fixing the broken GnuStep libraries that they used to ship, and these filtering in to Ubuntu et al. Good news all round!
by m4r35n357
Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:54 pm
Forum: Oolite-Linux
Topic: Debian Wheezy (Testing)
Replies: 18
Views: 16969

Re: Debian Wheezy (Testing)

In comparison with Ubuntu it's fast and furious. It most certainly is. I used the LXDE+XFCE ISO and found that XFCE is actually faster than LXDE on my Aspire One netbook.