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by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:39 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Any hope/prognosis for LocalHero?
Replies: 2
Views: 1337

Any hope/prognosis for LocalHero?

I recall LocalHero as being a very engaging mission OXP with increasingly demanding dogfights. On the wiki it just says it is "broken." In the game on high tech confed worlds it just doesn't come up.... is this a WIP or is it abandonware at this point?
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:59 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?
Replies: 16
Views: 6604

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

do they appear within scanner range? I had to look it up myself: this.setUpMiningpodThief(system.addGroup("pirate", this.anyInt(5,10), pos, 35000)); 35 clicks away from the station, so definitely outside scanner range. One unintended problem of that mission is that the pirates start scoop...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:15 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Surviving Naval Battles (?)
Replies: 22
Views: 9180

Re: Surviving Naval Battles (?)

Hi Bogatyr, one trick I've used twice for these encounters is use my injectors and speed into the Thargoid mass and drop a Q bomb right in the middle of them and thenblast away and watch the fire works. On this note though I have to add, make sure you're a safe distance away from your Navy fiends o...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:06 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Surviving Naval Battles (?)
Replies: 22
Views: 9180

Re: Surviving Naval Battles (?)

Hi Bogatyr, one trick I've used twice for these encounters is use my injectors and speed into the Thargoid mass and drop a Q bomb right in the middle of them and thenblast away and watch the fire works. On this note though I have to add, make sure you're a safe distance away from your Navy fiends o...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:51 pm
Forum: Suggestion Box
Topic: Thargoid armada?
Replies: 13
Views: 6085

Re: Thargoid armada?

Can anyone tell me if this one has been posted or even made into an OXP? A massive Thargoid Armada heading towards a station/planet intent on that systems total destruction? I've got the Thargoid OXP installed and as part of my Navy reserve duty I've fought in conflict between Navy and the Thargoid...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:44 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Contracts and trading
Replies: 16
Views: 9318

Re: Cargo Contract Cruelty!

As-is, (in Oollite v1.76.1) cargo contracts don't make sense -- they're generated based on the station's current goods-for-sale, which gets pretty goofy if you only check them after you've just sold off your previous cargo and bought up what you would normally buy. That part is fixed in trunk by ci...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:25 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Surviving Naval Battles (?)
Replies: 22
Views: 9180

Re: Surviving Naval Battles (?)

Prioritise the warships that are attacking the frigates and behemoths. The turrets on the big naval ships are capable of tracking and destroying several targets at once, but they need time to get into turret range, and once there they're very vulnerable to return fire from drone swarms. Fit militar...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:18 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Surviving Naval Battles (?)
Replies: 22
Views: 9180

Surviving Naval Battles (?)

Having just tried my hand at some reserve duty...this was a major Thargoid confrontation. Holy moly, that was some furball! Dozens of Targoids, probably hundreds of robot fighters, laser trails and molten hull plumes everywhere...framerate plunged....what a bonanza! It was quite intense sitting ther...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:05 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?
Replies: 16
Views: 6604

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

That is strange.. the action should be right on your doorstep. Is there anything in the logs that might relate to this? Commander McLane should be along soon, so perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on things. Can I check the Latest.log while the game is running? You can't save from a Seedy Spa...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:04 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?
Replies: 16
Views: 6604

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

I think I read somewhere on the BB yesterday that Random Hits is not compatible with 1.77? The stations still appear, but the missions are barfed? Edit: I might be wrong! :oops: :mrgreen: Ah, well that would explain it... the Hits part seem to work fine, though, as do the revenge ambushes (modulo t...
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:51 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Crash in 1.77: AsteroidStorm4.03 + thargoid_carrier2.0
Replies: 3
Views: 905

Re: Crash in 1.77: AsteroidStorm4.03 + thargoid_carrier2.0

Thanks for the report and analyses. Fixed for the next version. In the meantime you can fix it yourself by inserting the line if(!system.mainStation) return; just in front of the first line quoted by Eric. Glad to help out. Thanks for the workaround, I could then jump into Leesti without crashing ;)
by Bogatyr
Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:05 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?
Replies: 16
Views: 6604

Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Twice now after landing in a seedy space bar to pick up a new contract, I was greeted by a loud alarm and a call to action to defend the perimeter autominers against evil pirates. Being a proper bounty hunter (well, most of the time...I mean, if you shoot & scoop a Python in an anarchy, does it ...
by Bogatyr
Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:53 am
Forum: Expansion Pack
Topic: Crash in 1.77: AsteroidStorm4.03 + thargoid_carrier2.0
Replies: 3
Views: 905

Crash in 1.77: AsteroidStorm4.03 + thargoid_carrier2.0

I encountere a crash upon jumping into Leesti with AsteroidStorm4.03, and after failing the mission so that the station was destroyed. With thargoid_carrier2.0, the game crashes on entry to the system. Here's a save file one jump away from Leesti that shows the crash:
by Bogatyr
Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:28 am
Forum: Outworld
Topic: 50 Gb box accounts available
Replies: 12
Views: 5777

Re: 50 Gb box accounts available

Box have a promotion for new accounts, 50Gb free for life, not sure how long the promo will last but you do get the oportunity to forward another 50Gb to a friend as well. The offer must be over -- clicked the link, and got "can't validate your o...
by Bogatyr
Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:42 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Random Hits - abandon mission without leaving galaxy?
Replies: 34
Views: 8456

Re: Re:

Diziet Sma wrote:
Oh boy, that's a must have. W00t thanks for the info!