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How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:34 pm
by v01i0

First, I am total newbie to Oolite - and to this community - although I used to play Elite back in 80s with ZX spectrum.. What a great game it was, and thanks to the community, still is :)

I just installed OXP called Griffs normal mapped all-in-1 in order to update those default ship textures and succumb into some extra immersion. Everything went okay, but my (the player's) cobra is still one of old model. Is there anyway to make player's (default) Cobra to look one of those awesome NPC cobra's that cut the space? I know I can buy a new one from station (tried that), but it takes so much of my hard earned credits, so I decided to turn onto you and check if there is another way...

And if there is, I'd appreciate very detailed instructions, because I am not hacker, just an occasional gamer.

Thanks in advance.


PS. I tried to search for instructions, but couldn't find anything very useful. Maybe I didn't have right key words.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:45 pm
by Smivs
and welcome to the friendliest Board this side of Riedquat.
You'll find the answer here.
Best of luck.

Edit:- It is easier than it sounds, and a word of advice. DON'T use notepad to edit Oolite things. It adds nasty un-wanted characters and breaks everything. Most other text editors are fine.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by Cody
Hi v01i0 and welcome.

Open your save-game file (found here ~\Oolite\\oolite-saves) in a text editor (if you’re using Windows, don’t use Notepad… Wordpad is okay though).
Find the lines that say:

Code: Select all

All you need to do is change:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Save the file, restart Oolite holding the shift key down until the spinning Cobra appears… and that should be that.

Of course, if you want the Griff ‘scuffed’ Cobra MkIII, an altogether 'classier' ship, just change:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:09 am
by v01i0
Thank you Smivs and El Viejo for welcomes and instructions. Nice to be here - and nice to learn that there exists such a great game as Oolite. I've been expanding it lately, it is so much more than old Elite used to be, yet capturing the same feeling as the old did.

Okay, the instructions from El Viejo's post did the trick.

I used Windows WordPad instead of Notepad, as you guys instructed. And it was as simple as El Miejo's post instructs - awesome, now I can fly nice looking Cobra MK III too. This also teached me how to cheat with my savefile, add some thousand extra kills to reach Elite status and few extra credits to buy that big boa class cruiser I've been drooling over ;) Just joking, I don't want to do that. I didn't even try, so I don't know if it just that simple as to edit the save file... In fact, don't tell me :P

Anyways, thank you both for quick reply and sound help. Appreciated. Thanks!


Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:45 am
by Disembodied
v01i0 wrote:
Okay, the instructions from El Miejo's post did the trick.
Psst ... "El Viejo" ... I think "El Miejo" might be an elderly cat ... :D

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:35 am
by Grimm
El Viejo's solution doesn't work for me. I used Notepad++ to change the savegame and restarted the game while holding down the shift key but nothing happens. In fact my savegame disapeared and i can't load it :lol:

Have anyone an idea why this problem occurs?

p.s: my OS is Windows XP and i'am using Oolite 175.2

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:57 am
by Smivs
Can you post the contents of the save somewhere. Not here as it could be quite long, but use pastebin or similar.
It won't have 'disappeared' from your oolite-saves folder.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:59 am
by another_commander
Grimm wrote:
El Viejo's solution doesn't work for me. I used Notepad++ to change the savegame and restarted the game while holding down the shift key but nothing happens. In fact my savegame disapeared and i can't load it :lol:

Have anyone an idea why this problem occurs?

p.s: my OS is Windows XP and i'am using Oolite 175.2
My guess is that you saved with a default extension, which basically added something like a *.txt suffix to the savegame filename, making it invisible to the game. Check your oolite-saves folder, your game should be there with a wrong extension.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:21 am
by Grimm
The save file has the right suffix, its still the ollite save. The file exist but i can't acces it in the game.

here is my save file:

and thank for the quick answers, this is really one of the friendliest and helpfull boards in this galaxy :D

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:56 am
by Cody
edit: see Eric's post below.

Hi Grimm... does your save file suffix definitely look like this: ~.oolite-save? If so, try this please:
Start a new game/commander, save it immediately as a virgin Jameson, then edit the Jameson save-file as above.
Is this Jameson then available in game?

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:58 am
by Eric Walch
Grimm wrote:
The save file has the right suffix, its still the ollite save. The file exist but i can't acces it in the game.

here is my save file:
That file on pastebin is also illegal for me. My plist editor says is starts with the illegal character 'F'. I don't know if you just added it to pastebin, or if its in your saved commander also.

Suffixes can be tricky sometimes. On the mac I can use periods as part of a filename. That allows me to define a filename like:
But, when I have selected to hide extensions for that file, I just see '~.oolite-save', while the real extension is '.txt.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:02 am
by Cody
Damn, I should've spotted that... thanks Eric.

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 am
by Eric Walch
El Viejo wrote:
Damn, I should've spotted that... thanks Eric.
Not me, but my plist editor spotted it for me. :D

Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:48 pm
by v01i0
Disembodied wrote:
v01i0 wrote:
Okay, the instructions from El Miejo's post did the trick.
Psst ... "El Viejo" ... I think "El Miejo" might be an elderly cat ... :D
Oh scrap, you're right. My V-letter must've somehow turned upside down and doubled itself :lol:

I'll edit it to in a correct form. Thanks for heads up. Honestly, it was an lapsus.


Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:48 pm
by Cody
v01i0 wrote:
now I can fly nice looking Cobra MK III too.
Good… enjoy your newly-skinned Cobra MkIII.

Of course, it’s possible to have a Cobra MkIII with your own custom colour scheme, and up to four decals of your own design, as I have on Rolling Thunder.