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Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:48 pm
by slomoe
I can't seem to get the fedual oxp up and running any help would be appreciated! I just upgraded my Oolite to the newest version (v1.75.2) and thought I'd add some new oxps so far the only ones not to work is the fuedal states v1.11 and fuel collector v0.06. I am using a save from my old Oolite v1.73.4 would that make a difference? I'm in G3 and btw if I was to fly back to G1 with this save will all the G1 oxps work? Once again I want to thank all you very smart people for turning elite into this wonderful game so much more beuatiful and interesting keep up the good work!!

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:53 pm
by Smivs
Hi slomoe,
I can't help with your problem, but the guy's who probably can might need a bit more info.
Can you explain nothing at all happening? Are things happening but it doesn't work properly, that kind of thing.
Also info about your computer and O/S may be helpful, as would a look in your log.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:10 pm
by Commander McLane
Fuel Collector 0.06 does no longer work with Oolite 1.75 due to some script syntax changes.

Feudal States 1.11 appears to be the latest version and should work.

Save-files are fully compatible, so no problem there.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:21 pm
by slomoe
Hey thanks for the quick reply My operating system is windows vista home premium 64 bit service pack 2 direct x 10.0, it actually does nothing can't tell its there unless I look in the add on folder! by log you mean the "previous" "latest" out of the oolite app folder? they are fairly large would you want me to paste them here?

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:32 pm
by Cody
slomoe wrote:
they are fairly large would you want me to paste them here?
Use something like pastebin and post the link, slomoe.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:03 pm
by slomoe
Hey thanks for the quick reply My operating system is windows vista home premium 64 bit service pack 2 direct x 10.0, it actually does nothing can't tell its there unless I look in the add on folder! by log you mean the "previous" "latest" out of the oolite app folder? they are fairly large would you want me to paste them here?
that's latest and previous not sure which is which!

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:09 pm
by Cody
Thanks, slomoe... one of the clever people will look at those... I'm just a pilot.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:16 pm
by Smivs
A quick look at the log shows this.
10:52:20.217 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-mission.js 7.0): TypeError: missionVariables.feudal_mission is null
10:52:20.217 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ../AddOns/The_Feudal_States_v1.11.oxp/Scripts/feudal-mission.js, line 717.
It looks like one of the scripts isn't loading. Try re-downloading the OXP and re-installing it. If that doesn't work, someone here who is familiar with the OXP can probably help.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:17 am
by slomoe
Thanks again I'll delete the oxp and re download & load it back to the add on folder! ........ do I hold down the control key when I load or does it matter? also just a general question about the fuel collector oxp delet it also? and is there going to be an updated version? Thamks again you guys are great!

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:21 am
by Cody
slomoe wrote:
do I hold down the control key when I load or does it matter? also just a general question about the fuel collector oxp delet it also?
No need to hold shift down if you're just installing an OXP. Move fuel collector to another location, rather than delete it.
I hope this works for you... if not, someone will be along tomorrow I expect, who'll be able to offer more help.

Re: Newbie needs a little help with fuedal states

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:40 am
by slomoe
Thanks guys it worked this time got a mission and just had to finish it !!! ......... thanks again!