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Can't get conditional equipment available!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:26 am
by Switeck
I want the equipment to only be available in Galaxy 8...and then only at certain systems. (And maybe only at main system stations...and 1 other special station: "owt2oGHS".) I also want both the equipment available for sale on starting from a savegame.

But try as I might, my code is full of fail.

Here's its equipment.plist file:

Code: Select all

		99, 10000, "One way ticket to Oresrati",
		"This equipment allows auto jump to Isolated system Oresrati in Galaxy 8. Don't forget to buy a Galactic Hyperdrive otherwise you will not be able to travel to any other system. :)",
			"available_to_all" = 1;
			conditions =
				"galaxy_number equal 7"
			"script" = "owt2o_autoJumper.js";
Here's the parts of its .js file I think are important:

Code: Select all

this.startUp = function() {

this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function () {

this.shipExitedWitchspace = function() {

this.tryAddingShop = function () {
	player.commsMessage("Checking for shop...",6);
	if(galaxyNumber == 7) {
		player.commsMessage("In Galaxy 8.",6);
		if(system.ID == 9 || system.ID == 88 || system.ID == 118 || system.ID == 121 || system.ID == 162) {
			EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_ONEWAYTICKET_TO_ORESRATI").effectiveTechLevel = 1;
			player.commsMessage("Adding equipment at places around bottom left!",6);
		} else {
			EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_ONEWAYTICKET_TO_ORESRATI").effectiveTechLevel = 12;
			player.commsMessage("Adding equipment at TL13-15 places!",6);
		if(system.ID == 162 && system.countShipsWithRole("owt2oGHS") < 1) {
			player.commsMessage("Adding shop!",6);
I get the messages "Checking for shop..." and "In Galaxy 8." when appropriate. But the "Adding equipment" messages I don't seem to get. :(

Going forwards with a totally different OXP, I'd like to make equipment only repairable at certain places. I figure I can just "give" the equipment to the player at the end of a mission using a .js script this:
But making that normally-unavailable-for-sale equipment repairable regardless of how you acquire it (such as buying a ship already with it) seems oddly hard to do.

Re: Can't get conditional equipment available!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:46 am
by Okti
Hi Switeck,

Just copying your code to my version, I get the all the messages. Make sure you do not have another shipExitedWitchspace handler in your script.

And also if you already have the equipment, remove it from your save file.

Edit : If you want to speak further I am on IRC.