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Bloodhound SSC

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:37 pm
by Smivs
The Bloodhound SSC is designed to travel at 1,050 mph, and it's a car :shock: It uses a Cosworth F1 engine as the fuel pump!

Re: Bloodhound SSC

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:08 am
by DaddyHoggy
I've been following Bloodhound for quite some time - I met Andy Green et al when I worked for DERA (who had a very small sticker on Thrust because we couldn't advertise the fact that a Government Research Lab (i.e. tax payers money) was helping with a private project.) I watched Thrust SSC go up and down the Farnborough runway and even drove the training sim for the car.

My office got a fax from the team with the confirmed average speed on it - along with a big smiley on it - a few minutes after it was set. We hung it on the wall for many years, until the Corporate Brain made us take it down because it made the place look unsightly and it didn't fit in with the Corporate image.

(So to Andy's final statement about inspiring Scientists and Engineers - good luck - as an SEA - I've tried it - and it's damn near impossible to fight the mediocrity that rules the UK education system)