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useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:01 pm
by DaddyHoggy
My wife's on some stupidly expensive "all-in" contract with 3-mobile and her SE Satio has been nothing but trouble since she got it - when it started running itself flat in 30 minutes from fully charged and randomly trying to connect to the internet she took it back to 3. They're going to send it off to be repaired/upgraded/put-in-a-drawer-for-a-week-and-given-back-the-same-as-before.

3 no longer "give out" loan phones (even to 5yr long customers paying almost £60 a month) - you have to take a random loan phone for the princely sum of £30 non-refundable "deposit". My better half, being somewhat canny, asked what their cheapest handset was - this turns out to be this: ... rview.html which, for £20 even came with a SIM card (£5) and credit (£5), so in fact the phone was really only a tenner! (Having had a play with it - can't fall off really) - and while we'll get a "spare" phone out of it - I'm stunned by 3's crappy customer service. I stupidly thought that in the recession firms would try harder to keep your business, but it appears to have gone the other way, and I can only presume that real customer service is expensive and therefore has been cut back to a bare minimum.

Re: useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:32 am
by Killer Wolf
don't talk to me about customer service bud, you wouldn't believe the debacle i got from talktalk this past week trying to get my internet comms sorted. fkn Indian call centres : need to be levelled and turned into parking lots. TT's website is shte, took three attempts to get a form replied to, their "help" line immeditaely disconnected me as soon as i was connected w/ an agent, some numpty fkwit kept me on the line for 30 mins+ then when he was going to pass me over started saying "so, you've got a problem w/ the telephone and..." at which point i woulda reached down the phone and torn hsi face off if i could cos i'd spent the past 20 mins explaining (as my case records from 2009 should have showed) that there is NOWT wrong w/ the phone and it's purely the BB speed that needs turning down. had to wait till Thur for a call back, didn't get one, finally got someone else, promised a call on Fri : dumbfk Indian woman comes on, "apparently you asked for a call back?"
"yeah, i want the BB speed turned down."
long pause. "You want it turned DOWN?!" in an incredulous tone, at which point i would b17ch-slapped her downt he phone if i could have. i'm like, don't you fkn incompetents write the notes you say you will, or do you just not fkn read them?

swear to christ, if i found out whoever originally came up w/ the "best shore" outsourcing to people that can hardly speak the language, i'd skin the fkr alive and make him eat it.

Re: useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:15 pm
by Star Gazer
aahhhh... ...don't you just love the globalisation of industry..?? :P

Re: useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:28 pm
by Selezen
3 are one of the worst companies in my experience for customer service. It's more like customer lack-of-service.

I've battled with them constantly for six years now - as long as we research the phones and there are no faults or problems then these days it's OK - it's only if something goes wrong that the ulcer-inducing phone calls start...


Re: useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:57 am
by Frame
DaddyHoggy wrote:
My wife's on some stupidly expensive "all-in" contract with 3-mobile and her SE Satio has been nothing but trouble since she got it - when it started running itself flat in 30 minutes from fully charged and randomly trying to connect to the internet she took it back to 3. They're going to send it off to be repaired/upgraded/put-in-a-drawer-for-a-week-and-given-back-the-same-as-before.

3 no longer "give out" loan phones (even to 5yr long customers paying almost £60 a month) - you have to take a random loan phone for the princely sum of £30 non-refundable "deposit". My better half, being somewhat canny, asked what their cheapest handset was - this turns out to be this: ... rview.html which, for £20 even came with a SIM card (£5) and credit (£5), so in fact the phone was really only a tenner! (Having had a play with it - can't fall off really) - and while we'll get a "spare" phone out of it - I'm stunned by 3's crappy customer service. I stupidly thought that in the recession firms would try harder to keep your business, but it appears to have gone the other way, and I can only presume that real customer service is expensive and therefore has been cut back to a bare minimum.
I got 3 too, here in denmark, and really, im getting tired of them, however im on a 20£ pr month contract and it seems they stopped advertising with new phones for old customers all together.. So they are loosing a customer soon.

infact for an entire day, their whole net broke down here in denmark because of an upgrade failure. human error surely, but something that should just not happen ever.. no excuse is good enough. They are supposed though to have the best net, according to independant invistigations, so if this is good, im really thinking, everything else must be real crappy...

Re: useless '3' (the mobile phone company)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:16 pm
by DaddyHoggy
They've had my wife's phone for two weeks now - no updates, no indication if we'll ever get it back.