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Request for Assistance

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:31 pm
by Cmd. Cheyd
Okay, long story short...

I started messing with Wings3D 2 days ago. I have a model that I want to begin texturing and working on in Photoshop, but I am having trouble with the UV Mapping. I'm getting a 'badarith' error. Would one of you modeller-savy gentlemen be willing to take a look at my model and 'fix' it for me? I'm clueless as to what I'm doing....

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:13 pm
by Griff
I could have a look at it if you like Cmd. Cheyd, i'll PM you my email address, if you send me the model as an .obj i'll be able to import it into Lightwave, who knows maybe just importing it into then out of lightwave might fix it.
I did a brief search on that error and found a post saying that cleaning up the model might fix the error, something to do with verts too close to each other, here's another post explaining how to use the cleanup command ... rtexs.html
Enter Body mode (Hit the "solid" icon or press the "b" hotkey (default hotkey)
L-click on your object to select.
R-click context menu -> Cleanup (about 15 commands down the list from the top)
L-click on the little box to the right of the Cleanup command to access/change the default settings/options.
In the options, the default min edge length is set to .001 (I think...I've changed mine at various times so I'm not sure what it originally was, but I think it was .001)