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DryDock and OS X 10.6.5

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:08 pm
by Commander McLane
Just for completeness' sake, I'd like to report that DryDock doesn't work properly under OS X 10.6.5. It may have to do with 10.6 being a 64-bit system?

DryDock opens one dat-file properly, it also can export it to obj. But if I want to open a second dat-file, it refuses with an error. So it can handle only one model at a time. It also refuses to open or import obj-files with an error, regardless if there are other files open already.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:47 pm
by Eric Walch
I can confirm that it stopped opening obj files with 10.6. But it still can open many dat files at once. However I did notice it had problems in showing the texture for the files. Last week I converted several models from dat to obj and for some reason, just one showed texture, the others not.

I also noticed that it sometimes shows "0" for a dimension in the info box after scaling an object. That value is than also stored in the commented ship dimensions. That solves itself by reloading the dat file.

Anyhow, dryDock is breaking with 10.6. The for me most important features still work but thats all.

I did have an occasion of a not to open dat file that did work in Oolite. It somehow contained illegal hidden characters. The drop converters could handle it though. And after that it was usable by dryDock.