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Cobra Mk IV ~ ?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:10 pm
by Killer Wolf
Planning to call my new ship this, but i'm wondering why no one else has produced one so far...? Am i missing some arcane forbidden bit of canon or something? I see Aegidian's was called the 3.5, and i kinda woulda classed Griff's as the MkIV due to the reworked lines etc.
My version's still roughly III-shaped but the dorsal is reworked radically.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:01 pm
by Disembodied
Canon is what you make it, really: nobody's being forced to install or accept anything they don't like. But I suspect the Cobra III is so iconic, and so central to the original game, that publicly declaring something to be its replacement (as opposed to a reworking, like the Cobra Courier or Cobra Rapier) gives ship designers cold feet ... make a Cobra IV if you want to but be ready for canonfire! ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:19 pm
by Darkbee
*Grabs Inter-Galactic Pitchfork of Doom*

If you want my honest opinion it's a bit presumptuous of you to create the next design of the Cobra series, but as was already stated, the Ooniverse is such that we make it for ourselves, and it's not like you're forcing it down peoples' throats. I think we're civilized enough to forgive your delusions of grandeur... knock yourself out! :wink:

FWIW, if it was left as a group project then we'd probably never have a final outcome.

*lowers pitchfork... for now*

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:30 pm
by Dave McRoss
My 0.2 credits...

The glorious Cobra Mk III is like the real world F-4 Phantom II. A multi-purpose word-renomed jet-fighter, a beautiful machine (even with its flaws) firmy rooted in the memory of pilots and jet-fighter lovers.

Now, we can have much better fighter, like Eurofighter or F-22, but the F-4 will hold its place in history forever.

Are you able to create another multipurpose masterpiece as Cobra Mk III, balanced in every feature? Perhaps yes, perhaps no.

But this can't you stop trying :) Bring it on!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:51 pm
by Ganelon
The MK III is a hard ship to beat. Performance, firepower, cost, and a cargo space that is small, but enough if you use it wisely. It's a nice trim little ship, and looks good both in core version and OXP versions. A good balanced little ship that a commander can pretty much live in thoughout their game lifetime.

It also has an odd quality of feeling sort of vintage or classic.

But a MK IV would certainly be interesting to at least try. Probably "in reality" any manufacturer that had a run of success with a model that the Cobra MK III has had would have put out models up to MK XIII by now as well as "SE" and "Grande Tour" luxury models with gold plated taps in the head or whatever. LOL

I'd say give it a shot and call it a Cobra MK IV if you want. Anybody that doesn't like it doesn't have to download it. Canon is good when it helps encourage gameplay. It's not so good if it closes the door on too many creative ideas.

My only bit of advice is to try for balance, but don't try too hard for the exact same balance of advantages and shortcomings as the MK III. Otherwise there's no point in making a MK IV. The appeal of a later MK if for it to be similar, but a bit better. The MK I and MK II are also fine little ships, but most of us wouldn't trade a MK III for one. Well, except maybe starting out, to get a bit of credits to work with.

I feel that ships that are a little "better" have their own balance, since you'll take more risks when flying them. A ship would have to be very badly "uber" to actually mess up game balance except in a comparative sort of way, and we don't really compare scores much here.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:54 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I don't think of either the Neolite or Griff versions of the ships as new Mks of ships, I think of them as redesigns matching current tastes and trends.





All Nissan Micras, first square, like the classic Cobby3, the 2nd bubble like, like the Neolite version, the third, curved and yet angular, a bit like Griff's version...

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:02 pm
by Cody
I was thinking of the Ford Cortina (the Mk I through to the Mk IV).

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:08 pm
by Smivs
Whatever you call it I'm sure I'll enjoy killing them :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:36 am
by ramon
I did an Adder Mk II once. You're brave to approach the Cobra Mk IV territory, but I think it's a great idea. Looking forward to seeing how it looks.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:17 am
by Killer Wolf
cheers for the input all. Opinion seems varied so i might do the write-up for her as saying Isis Interstellar ran into legal challenges from other companies who build the Cobra under license so are just calling the ship teh Egyptian Cobra, or something. or i might not, lol. depends how i feel at launch time!
Don't see why it should put people's noses out of joint - if there's no canon saying, eg, the line ended at the MkIII, then it makes little sense that the line would NOT have been continued and improved as the decades went on.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:19 am
by drew
I alluded to this in one my my 'Snoopers' articles. The Tionisla Chronicle ran a competition to come up with the name for the next ship. The winning entry was the 'Cobra Mk4' :lol:



Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:20 am
by Cody
Do it KW… maybe one of the designers from Cowell & MgRath now works for Isis Interstellar, and the Cobra Mk IV was a pet project of his, that he was never able to do before.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:06 pm
by CheeseRedux
Killer Wolf wrote:
cheers for the input all. Opinion seems varied so i might do the write-up for her as saying Isis Interstellar ran into legal challenges from other companies who build the Cobra under license so are just calling the ship teh Egyptian Cobra, or something. or i might not, lol. depends how i feel at launch time!
Don't see why it should put people's noses out of joint - if there's no canon saying, eg, the line ended at the MkIII, then it makes little sense that the line would NOT have been continued and improved as the decades went on.
As mentioned by others already, it's not like you're presuming to insert your ship into the core game. The principle of Don't Like? Don't Install! works like a charm every time.
And should your creation fail to impress, it just means your MkIV relates to the MkIII in much the same way as the MkII relates to the MkI.

Meanwhile, I'll be investing heavily in pitchfork and torch futures... :twisted: :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:20 pm
by Bugbear
CheeseRedux wrote:
And should your creation fail to impress, it just means your MkIV relates to the MkIII in much the same was as the MkII relates to the MkI.
I wsh you the best in your design efforts of the MkIV, but if it doesn't impress, as others have alluded, then it can be the Vista to the MkIII's XP


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:30 pm
by Darkbee
Killer Wolf wrote:
cheers for the input all. Opinion seems varied so i might do the write-up for her as saying Isis Interstellar ran into legal challenges from other companies who build the Cobra under license so are just calling the ship teh Egyptian Cobra, or something. or i might not, lol. depends how i feel at launch time!
Don't see why it should put people's noses out of joint - if there's no canon saying, eg, the line ended at the MkIII, then it makes little sense that the line would NOT have been continued and improved as the decades went on.
I don't think anybody has said don't do it, just "you'd better do a good job of it or we're going to give you a good kicking". :twisted:

No pressure! :wink:


Read as: No harm in trying