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A few case sensitive tweaks (blame Linux...)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:45 am
by Mauiby de Fug
I've spent a fair amount of time looking at my log file recently, and finally decided to clear up a few of the trivial errors that were around...

DeepSpace ships (using the non-override config version)
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Qbomb_DS.png".
Solution: rename Qbomb.png to QBomb.png in the shipdata.plist, line 2268
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Gecko_DS.png".
Solution: rename file from gecko_DS.png to Gecko_DS.png[/quote]

Saleza Aeronautics v2.2
[ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0xa249aeb8>{"Saiph Interceptor"} to "SaiphAI.plist" - could not load file.
Solution: rename SaiphAI.plist to saiphAI.plist in the shipdata.plist, line 292

SuperCobra 1.4.1
[script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named supercobra.js.
Solution: renamed superCobra.js to supercobra.js


I was wondering why I hadn't seen any Vampire Mk 1s flying about. I had a look inside and the folders weren't named properly.
Solution: rename config to Config, models to Models, and textures to Textures

A few of Killer Wolf's other ships kept on giving a "cannot find route1PatrolAI.plist" error.
Solution: edit the shipdata.plist in the following opxs:
werewolf.oxp - line 7
vamp3a.oxp - lines 9, 169, 320
diamondback.oxp - lines 7, 127

Not exactly massive problems, and very easy for someone to fix to on their own computer, but I thought I'd point them out! Ideally I'd find the proper thread for each of these, but as I've just realised that it's half 6 in the morning and I haven't gone to sleep yet, I don't quite have the energy to go searching through the forums...

Something perhaps someone can help me with - where can I get hold of the Neolite ships? None of the links on the wiki page seem to be working (Core, Companion and Wolfies) and I'd very much like to add them to my Ooniverse!

Thanks for all the great work you guys put in! 'Tis a fantastic game, and I regularly get rather carried away! I've seen the sunrise rather more often than I should have recently...

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:12 am
by Killer Wolf
That's odd, is that purely a Linux thing then, cos i've not had probs. In fact, the route AI name was cut/pasted from another OXP way back when when i was first learning OXPing, so that OXP will not be working for you either (sorry, too far back to recall which one, now!)

cheers anyway, i'll amend my typos when i get a bit of spare time.

Re: A few case sensitive tweaks (blame Linux...)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:58 am
by Eric Walch
Mauiby de Fug wrote:
I've spent a fair amount of time looking at my log file recently, and finally decided to clear up a few of the trivial errors that were around...
SuperCobra 1.4.1
[script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named supercobra.js.
Solution: renamed superCobra.js to supercobra.js
Thanks for spotting this. I just uploaded a corrected version as 1.4.2. I also raised the minimum Oolite to 1.74.
It will still work with older Oolite version, but than the ship-script is not used. (Like it did with Linux users till now)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:57 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
No problem!

These things weren't dramatic, life changing errors - I only noticed them because I was nosing around in my log file (with the exception of the missing Vampires)!

@KW - Yeah, I assumed it was a copy/paste thing! As I said, due to the vastness of the Ooniverse, most of this wasn't immediately obvious. My guess is that this would explain why I once saw a GalCop Vampire (a Dominatrix, I think?) launch itself from a main station, fail to change course, and blow itself up by crashing straight into the buoy! Quick question: occasionally I see some Diamondbacks, and possibly some Dominatrixes, flying about, but they don't appear on the scanner, and I can't get a target lock. I can, however, fire upon them, and they can fire upon me. Is this a glitch, or is this what a cloaked ship looks like? I assumed that a cloak would mean that they weren't visible either...

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:34 pm
by Killer Wolf
The crashing into buoys was (i think) explained by someone somewhere, i think it might have had to do w/ speed? ie, she moved to fast and hit the buoy before the "pause" bit of the AI ended and the new state was selected? or am i talking crap? :-D There are MkI cop Vamps and Dominatrix cop Vamps, i'm assuming you saw the bigger, faster Dom.
The other thing is a feature or the ship being fitted w/ a Military Jammer, which negates a scanner stalk. you can, as you noticed, fire on them but given their armament this isn't generally advisable ;-)
Some of them have cloaking devices too - if one is active, you'll see the ship flicker rapidly, rather than vanish from sight completely.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:22 pm
by McDjanoff
Killer Wolf wrote:
That's odd, is that purely a Linux thing then, cos i've not had probs. In fact, the route AI name was cut/pasted from another OXP way back when when i was first learning OXPing, so that OXP will not be working for you either (sorry, too far back to recall which one, now!)
Please don't blame Linux, on unices like systems, filenames are case sensitive.


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:14 pm
by fronclynne
McDjanoff wrote:
Killer Wolf wrote:
That's odd, is that purely a Linux thing then, cos i've not had probs. In fact, the route AI name was cut/pasted from another OXP way back when when i was first learning OXPing, so that OXP will not be working for you either (sorry, too far back to recall which one, now!)
Please don't blame Linux, on unices like systems, filenames are case sensitive.

Indeed, try to tell any physicist that G and g are the same thing.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:25 pm
by Cmdr James
Guys, it isnt a good or a bad thing to have a case sensitive filesystem. Windows is case insensitive, most of the rest of the world is case sensitive, big deal, neither is better or worse its just a difference.

Who's fault is this case sensitive problem? It is the fault of whoever wrote or tested the OXP, who didnt know or forgot to check the case when they worked on Windows. Lets not get all excited about pointing the finger and saying my OS is better than yours :p

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:44 pm
by Lone_Wolf
it's inconsistent behaviour in windows .

according to windows case rules ,

cmDr jamEs
cMdr jAmes
CMdr JAmes
Cmdr James

is not 4 names but 1 .

Seriously, when working with OXPs / JavaScript we are programming.
All programming languages i know are case sensitive.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:09 pm
by Smivs
OK so Windows is quirky, we all know that. The point is anyone writing an OXP on a Windows machine needs to know this. As Windows ain't going away anytime soon, we have to live with it, so why not take a practical approach and put a prominent 'Reminder' about this on the Wiki OXP pages somewhere and hope this reduces the number of these bugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:09 pm
by Cmdr James
Im not sure whats inconsistent about the windows rules, it seems perfectly consistent case insensitive behaviour to me.

And whilst most programming languages are case sensitive, it is not true that file handling is always case sensitive and that is what we are talking about, which is normally delegated to the OS. So it is the programmer who should be aware of the differences, and deal with them.

For the record, I use a mac at home, and Im no windows fanboy. Nor apple fanboy, I think an OS is a runtime for my apps, not a way of life.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:20 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I use both Windows and Linux in equal measure, therefore I've kind of got used to making sure I use all lowercase and underscores (does anybody still use underscores for spaces?)

I still get cocked up by '/' and '\' and get cross with Windows when it doesn't understand what I mean when I type "ls -la".

However what I have discovered using some apps is that they arbitrarily change a perfectly reasonable '.png' extension to '.PNG' and if you don't notice and you're using Windows... (old versions of irfanview for example)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:51 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
fronclynne wrote:
Indeed, try to tell any physicist that G and g are the same thing.
*laughs* Or MV and mV...

I wasn't intending to start an OS war when I wrote the thread subject; I was merely indicating the cause, and why some of these hadn't necessarily been picked up yet.
Personally, I prefer case sensitivity - a file's name should be determined by the characters that form it, and "A" is a different character to "a". Or at least that's how my mind with its preference for order and patterns sees things...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:04 pm
by Frame
reminder to oxp writers

Verify will catch case sensitive issues.

for example in a dos prompt or mac equivalent type

Code: Select all

oolite.exe --verify-oxp DRIVELETTER:/oolite/addons/youroxp.oxp/
where driveletter is the letter of your drive like C: D: E: F: being the most common used... the rest should be self-explanatory

Cheers Frame

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:27 pm
by Kaks
Please ignore drive letters, if you're using a mac or linux system, they're a weird dos/windows thing! :D