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I think it's great!

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:32 pm
by Ironass
Hi all
I've just downloaded oolite yesterday and after a few initial problems it's fine and works well.
Thanks for coding's almost like elite was supposed to be.
BBC b elite was great and disc version even better. Spectrum was poor but functional.
I have much to add about the weaponry but I'll do this in another post.
This note is just to say a big thank you for bringing me elite for free on my iMac.

Best regards


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:49 pm
by Cody
Hi Ironass… welcome to ‘the friendliest forum this side of Riedquat’™.

I had Elite on the BBC with disk drive too… ah, great days. I reckon you’ll find that Oolite is actually far better than Elite, but it still retains the old magic of the original… and how!


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:30 pm
by Ironass
Hi El Viejo,

Not half!
It's great!

As you're a BBC B veteran, what do you think of the sound of the lasers?

Do you remember the BBC B rumbling with the sound of the military lasers?!!!
Do you remember the 'absolutely no chance' that the other ships had when you fired the military lasers at them? they were dead in microseconds!!!

The sound of the lasers on the BBC is in my humble opinion, the best yet!

What say you?



Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:45 pm
by Cody
Get yourself a soundset oxp... better still, get the Background Set... great screens and sounds.

Oh… and get some eye-candy, either System Redux, Deep Horizons or System Demux, for beautiful planets and moons.

Re: I think it's great!

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:09 am
by Darkbee
Ironass wrote:
Spectrum was poor but functional.

It was the first version I ever played and it rocked my feeble world. :P

I remember thinking how cool the effect of the sun's edge was and how incredibly immense the game was given the paltry 48K to play with.

The cloaking device and Nova mission simply blew me away (pun intended).

I was never the same person since, few video games can ever claim to have been so life-altering... no exaggeration! (even on the good ol' Speccy)

Welcome to Oolite. :)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:17 pm
by Ironass
Hi Darkbee,

Hey that's good. Don't get me wrong, I played the Speccy version to death.
My mate had the BBC version well before it came out on the Spectrum and that of course was only 32K!

He used to shoot up the space stations and then shoot at all the Vipers that came out after him - he was cool!
He'd have already set up hyperspace destination and I'd hold the H key down with about a second to go (this had the effect of pausing the countdown) until his shields and energy were nearly depleted and then when ready we'd hyperspace out at the last minute.
...the coolest thing!



Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:36 pm
by Ironass
Hi El Viejo

Thanks for that. All I can say is OMG!

I've just downloaded that stuff and its amazing!




Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:04 pm
by Cody
Cool… in case you haven’t found it already, a comprehensive list of all of oxp’s can be found here.

Have a look at the various shipskins in the ‘retextures’ category… there are really beautiful ships in there, some that enable you to apply custom decals and paintjobs to your player ship of choice.

Good hunting, Commander!