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Frame Rate and Object Counter

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:19 am
by Captain Over
I accidentally toggled the thing while I was trying to do something else, and ever since then, I've been sort of captivated by it. I understand the frame rate, but what does the object counter mean? I get that it tallies up all the entities in the system, but what are the other numbers? The KiB? The c- whatever?

Also, I get that there is some sort of coordinate system within the system, but I don't fully understand it. Does anyone have a good explanation for the stuff?

Mostly I'd like to know if there is some use that I can make of that information within the game. I'm sure that it's useful for those of you who write OXPs and whatnot, but if I'm honest, I'm trying to see if there is any way for me to use that information for somewhat less-than-honorable purposes.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:50 am
by Thargoid
FPS - frame rate
Entities - as you say, how many entities (ships, stations, asteroids etc) there are in the system at the moment. The other stats I think are how much memory Oolite is using and the collision count at the moment.
abs/pwm - the current position of the player ship, in both absolute co-ordinates and in meters relative to the planet-witchpoint line.
TAF - time acceleration factor.

For the co-ordinates, the zero point of abs is the witchpoint. It is useful for scripters (and debug console users) for spawning ships and suchlike (to know where to put things). More details on the wiki.

For in-game use, if you want to leave a spot and return to it, you can make a note of the co-ordinate of where you are and then fly back there. You can also use it for navigation of course to know which direction you're flying in by how the numbers change.

PS for those who don't know, to display (and hide) the display, press shift-F.