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A whole mess of OXPs

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:47 pm
by dogscoff

I have downloaded about a zillion OXPs and installed them into my Ubuntu oolite. I am amazed how well they all seem to play together. Only thing is, I have installed so many that I don't quite know what is doing what:

1 - I started a new game. Traded in my cobraIII for an Eagle so I could afford some hardware. Turns out I need it, since shortly after leaving the station I am set upon by two griff kraits and a blood krait.
What OXP could be causing such bold behaviour from the NPCS so close to Lave?

2 - I dispatched the assorted kraits (the local vipers helped a bit) and decided to check out the Nuit station next door. Bit of a knack to docking, but very nice, a really classy addition to the game. Went in, had a look around, seems much like the normal station. Left again and decided to jump to Zaonce. Took me a long time to clear the hyperspace interdiction zone - about 4 or 5 aborted jumps. Anyway, looking out my back window, I notice not only the Nuit I just left and the Coriolis, but 2 more Nuits right next to one another! I didn't think they had been there before docking, but I could be wrong. Is that normal? If it's a bug / collision with another oxp, I will try to recreate it and get a screenshot.

3 - Jumped to Zaonce. Before I could even line up and hit the j key I was immediately pounced on by a pack of about half a dozen eagles. They killed me. I thought Zaonce was a relatively safe system. Again, when did this game get so nasty to Jamesons? Have I inadvertently installed a "lots of violent psychopaths everywhere" oxp? If I can identify it I might decide to disable that one for a little while.

4 - My Hyperradio says something about having 19 days left on my license. Is this for real? A trialware OXP? I appreciate the work that goes into the OXPs but I don't think I'm willing to shell out real cash for them. Or is it an in-game thing? I can't find anything about it in to docs or wiki.

Oh, and 5 - Are you supposed to be able to save game in the Nuit stations? I thought part of the point of having them is to accommodate really huge OXP-added ships that don't fit in the small stations. If you can't save in them, where does that leave pilots of supermassive ships?

But yeah, beautiful oxps, they add so much to the game, and I know I've only scratched the surface with a whole lot more to discover. Thanks to everyone who has created something. I wish I had the skills and the time to repay you in kind.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:09 am
by maik
Regarding point 1: sounds like you installed the Furball OXP.

Regarding point 5: you need the Save Anywhere OXP, otherwise you will only be able to save at the planet's main station.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:12 am
by Kaks
Point 4 is definitely an in-game thing: you need to spend more credits to keep using the hyperradio, not real money! :)

Point 2: I do seem to remember there was a slight problem with the Nuit stations: a new Nuit would be created every time you undock...

As per point 3 you probably got a few 'challenging' oxps on your computer. Do have a look at the readmes, most oxp authors are kind enough to write down the effect their oxp has on the game... :P

If I were in you I'd try the game without OXPs to begin with, I'd then add one oxp at a time to see what changes they make to the ooniverse! ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:16 am
by Killer Wolf
The "problem" w/ the Nuit isn't exactly a problem as such. As explained in a thread, the Nuit was a kinda aborted project that i built, skinned up then did nowt w/, then when Griff was kind enough to spend a load of time helping me out w/ his shaders, i redid the the Nuit w/ shaders and then just put the OXP out to see if anyone wanted to do anything w/ it or adopt it. included in the OXP is a simple script saying "produce a Nuit on launching" so that people could see it and decide if they liked it enough to adopt it. afaik, no one has.
you can't save at the Nuit, as you can't save anywhere but a main station (unless you have a "save anywhere OXP" installed). the concept behind the NUit was that huge ships could dock at the arms, but i don't think that's doable, hence the abandoning of the project.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:43 am
by Svengali
dogscoff wrote:
4 - My Hyperradio says something about having 19 days left on my license. Is this for real? A trialware OXP? I appreciate the work that goes into the OXPs but I don't think I'm willing to shell out real cash for them. Or is it an in-game thing? I can't find anything about it in to docs or wiki.
Oh, seems I have forgotten to add the bank account.
Transfer all your money to:

Hyperradio Inc.
Bernulli Street 1a
PXO Monopoli Town - Atrebi

Black Monk Universal Bank
GBAN : AT478 - 700 0324 6547
BSB : 111-654


Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:00 am
by dogscoff
Thanks for the replies.

Furball.oxp - cool, I will see if I have that installed and remove it. Temporarily, at least. I like a challenge, but I also think there should be breathing spaces and relatively safe zones in the game.

Kaks - I have played extensively without oxps (including the original Elite on my Amiga 500 back in the way-back-whens). I have a Deadly post-constrictor savegame sat waiting for me in Galaxy 2. I thought it would be nice to start again from scratch with all the new eye-candy included.

I don't have the patience to be adding them one at a time. I want it all NOW damnit.

Nuit - That explains it then. I will remove the oxp, but eagerly await the day that oolite supports arm-docking and allows this OXP to be finished. It's a beautiful model, and it would be a real shame if it never got used.

Hyperradio - Cool, thanks. I will transfer all my imaginary money to your imaginary bank forthwith=-)

And here is question 6: The download link for the realistic shipyard oxp is broken. Does anyone know of an alternate link or maybe a torrent?

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:26 am
by maik
dogscoff wrote:
I don't have the patience to be adding them one at a time. I want it all NOW damnit.
I also went for multiple OXPs at a time, no problem, just read about them beforehand and then you know what is expecting you.
dogscoff wrote:
And here is question 6: The download link for the realistic shipyard oxp is broken. Does anyone know of an alternate link or maybe a torrent?
The OXP has been abandoned, I don't know if it even works with 1.74...

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:46 am
by CheeseRedux
#3 is a function of the Eagle2 OXP.
There will always be half a dozen hostile Eagles at Zaonce's witchpoint as long as you have it installed.
It takes a second for them to notice you, though, so hitting injectoors immediately after arriving in-system sometimes get you clear.

Had a peek inside the OXP, and found this

Code: Select all

	"0 129" = {
			"script_actions" = (
				"checkForShips: eagle2", 												{
					conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 150");
					do = ( "addShipsAtPrecisely: eagle2test 15 wpm 0 0 10" );

Bear in mind that I know absolutely nothing about coding in general and OXPs in particular, but this looks like a script that adds a bunch of Eagles if there are less than 150 in the system already.
If this is correct (coders? that's your cue) deleting planetinfo.plist from the Eagle2 folder will fix that problem for you.

Extrapolating from the bits & pieces I've picked up in the last year:
0 129: Galaxy # and Planet #
15 wpm 0 0 10: 15 Eagles added at x,y,z coords 0 0 10.

Somebody please stop me before I start sounding like I know what I'm talking about...

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:33 am
by dogscoff
CheeseRedux wrote:
#3 is a function of the Eagle2 OXP.
There will always be half a dozen hostile Eagles at Zaonce's witchpoint as long as you have it installed.
It takes a second for them to notice you, though, so hitting injectoors immediately after arriving in-system sometimes get you clear.

Had a peek inside the OXP, and found this

Code: Select all

	"0 129" = {
			"script_actions" = (
				"checkForShips: eagle2", 												{
					conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 150");
					do = ( "addShipsAtPrecisely: eagle2test 15 wpm 0 0 10" );

Bear in mind that I know absolutely nothing about coding in general and OXPs in particular, but this looks like a script that adds a bunch of Eagles if there are less than 150 in the system already. (In other words, always.)

If this is correct (coders? that's your cue) deleting planetinfo.plist from the Eagle2 folder will fix that problem for you.
Well spotted, thanks. I will fix that. Looks like a test that the author forgot to delete. Trust me to fly straight into it.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:42 am
by CheeseRedux
dogscoff wrote:
Well spotted, thanks. I will fix that. Looks like a test that the author forgot to delete. Trust me to fly straight into it.
Not spotted, but remembered. It was mentioned in another thread a long while ago. Since I used to run into that Eaglepack on a regular basis, the explanation of its presence stuck in the back of my head.
I chose not to investigate further at the time though, and learned how to outrun that particular local biker gang instead.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:27 pm
by Killer Wolf
dogscoff wrote:
Nuit - That explains it then. I will remove the oxp, but eagerly await the day that oolite supports arm-docking and allows this OXP to be finished. It's a beautiful model, and it would be a real shame if it never got used.
cheers bud, that's much appreciated

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:49 am
by dogscoff
maik wrote:
Regarding point 1: sounds like you installed the Furball OXP.
Hm, I checked but it seems I didn't have that one installed.
It's always Kraits attacking me, do any of the krait OXPs add in kraity rascals? Could I figure it out by looking in the OXP's text files? Which files should I look at?

Came across a convoy of bulk haulers in Zaonce last night. Spent 5 or 10 minutes catching up to one of them, attempted to dock. Crashed. I love this game.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:54 am
by maik
Are they normal Kraits or the Griff Krait variant (which comes in its own OXP)? I seem to remember that there was some demo code left in that OXP which always spawned a few...

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:38 am
by dogscoff
maik wrote:
Are they normal Kraits or the Griff Krait variant (which comes in its own OXP)? I seem to remember that there was some demo code left in that OXP which always spawned a few...
Usually a couple of griffs and maybe a blood krait.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:35 pm
by Cody
maik wrote:
I seem to remember that there was some demo code left in that OXP which always spawned a few...
You're memory is correct.