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Assassins Guild question (possible spoiler warning)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:42 am
by maik
The Assassins Guild asked me to disturb the Quandixian narcortics mafia and exterminate their boss. So I flew to the moon towards the Hesperides Wiseguy Way-Station and shot up all Anacondas that are marked as narcotics carriers (feels like about 20 so far). As well as a number of their Cobra Mk 1 escorts.

Inbetween I received the message "We're made Commanders! The Quandixeian Mafia will whack you for this!" (no idea from whom, was too busy wreaking havoc) and a bit later a message from a Wiseguy Sidewinder "Quandixe Police. Offending ship targeted. Moving to intercept."

Do I have to do something special to find the Mafia boss? Or will he eventually turn up? Or did I miss him already?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:12 pm
by Alex
G'day Maik,
When I found the boss it said so when I targeted him, though it took a while to find him going a few times between the planet and moon.
If all else fails, try jumping out the system and return, that should re-set the mission.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:38 pm
by LittleBear
Your mission was to defend the mafia's narcotics operation and take out the Triad Boss. Darn turncoat! :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:48 pm
by maik
LittleBear wrote:
Your mission was to defend the mafia's narcotics operation and take out the Triad Boss. Darn turncoat! :wink:
Oops. Details.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:19 pm
by maik
I still haven't found him. I always start from one system away, jump into the system, go towards the planet, go towards the moon, I just cycled the moon, nothing. Any pointers where I am likely to find him?

Going towards the dogfights with the Triad helps me find those guys, but their boss is nowhere to be seen... probably enjoying drinks planetside or something...

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:33 pm
by LittleBear
Try a Rot13 spoiler!

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Gur rnfvfg jnl gb svaq uvz vf sebz ulcrefcnpr ragel gb gur flfgrz syl qverpg gb gur Jvfrthl jnlfgngvba. Qbpx jvgu vg naq ershry vs lbh arrq gb, ohg qb qbpx. Ynhapu naq frg lbhe pbhefr qverpg gb gur cynarg (abg gur fgngvba). Syl gur ebhgr sebz Jvfrthl fgngvba gb cynarg naq lbh fubhyq svaq gur Znsvn fuvcf orvat uneerfgrq ol gevnqf va Trxbf. Qba'g obgure jvgu gurfr zvavbaf. Gur obff vf va gur nern jvgu n tnat bs gevnqf va Zrtn Xenvgf. Ur fubhyq nggnpx lbh jura ur frrf lbh. Jngpu sbe terra ynfref nf uvf fuvc vf gur bayl bar jvgu gurfr. Hfr lbhe shry vawrpgvba gb syl nobhg naq qba'g trg gnatyrq hc jvgu bgure fuvcf. Ur'yy guerngra lbh bire gur pbzzf yvax jura ur fcbgf lbh. Uvg ¬ gb znex uvf fuvc naq gura ybpx n zvffvyr ba uvz. Yrg uvz punfr lbh bhg bs gur pbzong mbar fb ur bhgehaf uvf rfpbegf naq gura gnxr uvz bhg!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:35 pm
by maik
Thanks, that helped!


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Gur obff jnf va n svtug jvgu n qbmra be zber TnyPbc be bgure checyr qbg pensg. Ur qvq abg zrffntr zr bire gur vagrepbzzf abg qvq ur nggnpx zr. Nsgre V fgnegrq tevyyvat uvz jvgu zl ynfre ur sverq n zvffvyr zl jnl ohg gung jnf vg, ur qvrq fubegyl nsgrejneqf. Uvf zvavbaf bayl fgnegrq gnetrgvat zr (v.r. gheavat erq ba zl enqne) nsgre gur snpg naq ol gung gvzr V jnf nyernql ba zl jnl gb gur fgngvba gb pbyyrpg zl obhagl.

Gunaxf gb gur checyr qbg pbzcnavbaf V qvqa'g rira arrq n shyy ynfre fnyib gb rkgrezvangr uvz. Rnfvrfg gnetrg lrg, gur zbfg qvssvphyg cneg jnf svaqvat uvz.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:25 pm
by LittleBear

Code: Select all

Tbg n ovg yhpxl gurer jvgu uryc sebz gur ybpny ynj (ohg gurfr guvatf unccra va gur Bbavirefr!). Gur NV bs gur nffnffvaf ivpgvzf vf cebtenzrq gb qrsraq vgfrys sebz bgure ACP nggnpxf. Gur znsvn fuvcf ner gbb jrrx gb uheg gur obff orsber lbh neevir, ohg vs n ybg bs pbcf unccra ol gura ur pna trg ratntrq va pbzong. Qrcraqf jung bgure BKCf lbh unir va. Fgnaqneq ivcref jvyy unir yvggyr rssrpg ba uvz, ohg vs lbh unir n ybg bs pbc be anil obbfgvat BKCf vafgnyyrq gurl pbhyq tvir uvz n eha sbe uvf zbarl. Jura ratntrq jvgu na ACP jr jba'g unvy lbh hagvy ur'f qbar jvgu uvf ACP nggnpxre, ohg ur jvyy fryrpg lbh va cersrerapr gb nal bgure gnetrg. Ur'f cerggl gbhtu naq jbhyq cebonoyrl unir tvira lbh n uneqre svtug vs bayl gur znsvn fuvcf unq orra nobhg, ohg url fbzrgvzrf nf na nffnffva lbh ner ba gur fvqr bs evtug naq trg n unaq sebz gur ynj. Fbzrgvzrf gur zbenyvgl bs lbhe npgvbaf vf zber dhrfgvbanoyr naq gur ynj vf ba gur bgure fvqr! Fb vs lbh unir dhvgr n ynjshy bbavirefr gura fbzr nffnffvaf zvffvbaf jvyy or n ovg rnfvre, ohg fbzr jvyy or uneqre!