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Trident Down the search for Ezra

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:44 am
by GrahamIC
I'm now up to the stage where I have track down and kill the three agents, I've successfully tracked down and killed Jenssen and Playfair. After I travel to Reininus and get the screen telling me that Ezra has just arrived back in the system I launch my ship but can't find him anywhere, I've been all the way back to the witchpoint beacon and back, waited by the station etc. but there's no sign of him anywhere and I'm stuck at the moment.

Any pointers or help please


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:04 pm
by Ramirez
Oops, another error on my part. You're looking in the right place but the script's using the slightly wrong name to populate the ship. If you open trident_down.js, do a search for 'ezra-shuttle' and replace the two instances with 'ezra-ship'.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:07 am
by GrahamIC
Thanks for the reply.

I've edited the script file as instructed (just the two entries near the end) and tried again but there is still no sign of the ships.

I've been back to an earlier save game and played back to this point but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:05 pm
by Ramirez
Strange - Ezra's ship should be spawning at the witchpoint and then setting a course for the station. I'll look into it later today and will keep you posted.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:19 pm
by Ramirez
I've tested this on my install and Ezra's ship appears as expected near the witchpoint buoy. There shouldn't be any dependencies in place for this particular ship so I'm not sure why it's not appearing in your case.

I don't know if you have any debug tools to check if the ship is present (if so you can run a system.shipsWithRole("ezra-ship") check). Alternatively, try adding a beacon to her ship so you can pick it up on the advanced space compass. Open up the shipdata, find the section for ezra-ship and add the following:

Code: Select all

Also, can you see anything untoward in the log file?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:02 pm
by GrahamIC
I've looked in the log files and there were no errors or anything that really stood out as being wrong.

I tried to a add a beacon for the compass but it didn't show up after I launched which i take it meant that the ship wasn't there. Next I deleted all of the OXP's needed for the mission and reinstalled them, edited the main .js file and made the ezra-shuttle to ezra-ship changes mentioned in an earlier post, went back to Reininus and there is Ezra with escorts by the witchpoint beacon!

Very strange, the only thing I can think of is that I edited the .js file the first time using Word, whether or not that has done something to the format I don't know.

Thanks for the help

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:55 pm
by GrahamIC
Okay, I know why the changes didn't work when the file was edited:


deleted the file so that it would be rebuilt the next time that oolite was run.

I've also discovered another buglet in the script that follows directly after you kill Ezra. I was getting the message "Well done, Commander, That's the three agents dealt with. We can now go ahead and arrest the dissidents - we'll make further contact with you soon" after each successive jump and nothing else was happening, so I had another look at the script I realised that the following line was the culprit:

if(missionVariables.trident_down_agent == 3)

..changed it to

if(missionVariables.trident_down == "FINDAGENTS" && missionVariables.trident_down_agent == 3)

..and that seemed to do the trick!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:22 pm
by Thargoid
Holding down shift when you start the game clears and rebuilds the cache. Same effect, but a little less risky ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:49 am
by GrahamIC
Just found another buglet, Delaney's ship wouldn't appear where it was supposed to because the script is checking the wrong variable:

if(system.ID == 147 && missionVariables.trident_down_jumpcount == "DELANEYOFFERACCEPTD")

changed to:

if(system.ID == 147 && missionVariables.trident_down == "DELANEYOFFERACCEPTD")

Getting the hang of this scripting thing :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:01 pm
by Ramirez
Sorry for all the bugs - as you've probably gathered, when I translated the script from legacy to js I didn't manage to do as much testing as I would have liked. Instead of playing through the whole thing again I used the debug tools to set variables and test individual elements, but obvoisly some things fell through the gap.

I'm in the process of putting a v2.0.1 together to incorporate these fixes - I recognise you shouldn't have to be doing script work just to play the OXP!