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Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:31 am
by UK_Eliter
There appears to be a bug in the wonderful Galactic Navy OXP (version 5.2.2). The code (line 195 in galnavymain.js)
Gal Navy: transferring you to galaxy " + galaxyNumber + "'s Naval jurisdiction.")
produces the wrong galaxy number. I think that we need:
Also, it might be good to have a better indication that the message only appears when one has enlisted. How about something like: To Galactic Navy Recruit: Transferring you to [. .]

I can make these changes myself; but I thought others might like to know about them.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:07 am
by Thargoid
More likely you need galaxyNumber + 1.

The internal JS reference for galaxyNumber (and tech level of systems and a number of other things) start at 0 not 1.