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Trident Down issue?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:58 am
by Fandango
I have been throughly enjoying Oolite since I discovered it several months ago, particularly the extra depth that some of the expansions bring.

Unfortunately I have got a bit stuck with Trident down and am hoping someone can shed some light on it for me.

I have started the mission and got to the point where it tells you to return to Racedaat? (sorry, can't remember the spelling) and ask around to see if anyone knows anything more about the loss of the shuttle. When I got to Racedaat I have docked with every structure I can find in the system but got no messages about the shuttle.

I tried removing reference to Trident down from my save file, this let me restart the mission ok, but at the same point the same thing happens.

Is there something I should be doing or somewhere I should be going, or is this a code related issue? If so can anyone suggest what I need to change in which file to resolve it?

Thinking about it, I think the Deposed mission has also got stuck, I got told to report to the police at Dicebe, but again when I get there nothing happens. Could the 2 things be related?

Many thanks

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:57 am
by Ramirez
I had a look at the Trident Down script and it looks like there's an error that meant the mission variable isn't set properly. I've fixed this and re-uploaded v2.0.

In your save file, find the trident down mission variable (it's probably there as 'REQUEST' at the moment) and change it to 'ACCEPTED'. If you then travel to Raceedat or re-dock if you're already there, you should trigger the next part of the mission.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:05 am
by Fandango
Many thanks, I will try this when I get home from work this evening :D

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:31 pm
by Fandango
I have tried the suggested changes and this hasn't improved things, I have tried docking at every available place in Raceedat but nothing has triggered the next part of the mission.

I thought maybe the best approach was to install the new version of the OXP and to start again. To this end I went into the save game file and removed the lines I could see that related to Trident Down. However when I load up the game on the f5/f5 screen it still says to go to Raceedat and ask around.

Can some one point me towards where this info is kept as the mission doesn't seem to have restarted (no news bulletins or anything) and i am guessing i need to remove it from whatever file it's in. I have been through the save game file and can't find anything in there.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:53 pm
by Ramirez
The text on the F5 screen is recorded in the savegame file - do a search for 'raceedat' or 'trident' and you should find it. Unless a script specifically overwrites or clears it, the text stays there but it doesn't have any material impact on the rest of the OXP.

I've set one of my savegames so it contains the following in the mission_variables section:

Code: Select all

When I dock at Raceedat's main station I get a mission screen. Equally, if those two lines are deleted, you should see the first news bulletin of the mission. Double check that there aren't two conflicting mission_trident_down entries in the savegame - that can often happen when editing.

It may be that I've misunderstood exactly which stage you're on. If the F5 screen says 'search the local area around Raceedat' then that means visiting some of the neighbouring systems to see if they know anything.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:57 pm
by Fandango
Many thanks Ramirez, with your help I have sorted out the save game file and have been able to progress to the next stage of the mission. Really appreciate you taking time to advise me what to do.