HyperCargo OXP

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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Thargoid »

At the moment it would be tricky, as you can't script change equipment price (only read it). So to do that you'd have to have a lot of different and mutually incompatible equipment with availability keyed to the ships hold capacity.

If I remember well there is some discussion about revising bits of that script structure in the future, so it's a possibility but not something I'm going to rush into. But thanks for the idea anyway... ;)
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by mossfoot »

Thargoid wrote:
At the moment it would be tricky, as you can't script change equipment price (only read it). So to do that you'd have to have a lot of different and mutually incompatible equipment with availability keyed to the ships hold capacity.

If I remember well there is some discussion about revising bits of that script structure in the future, so it's a possibility but not something I'm going to rush into. But thanks for the idea anyway... ;)
If you want another idea (that I think kinda works with the handwavium logic involved) instead of putting a drain on the energy banks, maybe it very slowly drains witchfuel (very slowly) - but if you run out the bubble bursts, losing your cargo. ;)

Alt idea: it uses up .5 LY fuel to create and very slowly drains after that - that would limit its usefulness, making its effective range more like 6LY all told - and of course if you get into a fight it's suddenly something you are a lot more hesitant to use ;)
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Neelix »

mossfoot wrote:
If you want another idea (that I think kinda works with the handwavium logic involved) instead of putting a drain on the energy banks, maybe it very slowly drains witchfuel (very slowly) - but if you run out the bubble bursts, losing your cargo. ;)

Alt idea: it uses up .5 LY fuel to create and very slowly drains after that - that would limit its usefulness, making its effective range more like 6LY all told - and of course if you get into a fight it's suddenly something you are a lot more hesitant to use ;)
That would make it very difficult to negotiate some parts of the universe with your cargo intact... eg the only way you'd be able to traverse the Qucedi bottleneck would be to follow someone else going the same way each time you jump...

- Neelix
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by mossfoot »

Neelix wrote:
mossfoot wrote:
If you want another idea (that I think kinda works with the handwavium logic involved) instead of putting a drain on the energy banks, maybe it very slowly drains witchfuel (very slowly) - but if you run out the bubble bursts, losing your cargo. ;)

Alt idea: it uses up .5 LY fuel to create and very slowly drains after that - that would limit its usefulness, making its effective range more like 6LY all told - and of course if you get into a fight it's suddenly something you are a lot more hesitant to use ;)
That would make it very difficult to negotiate some parts of the universe with your cargo intact... eg the only way you'd be able to traverse the Qucedi bottleneck would be to follow someone else going the same way each time you jump...

- Neelix
That's kind of the idea - Hypercargo lets you carry so much more that it makes sense for it to have an in-game drawback. And the thing is, that drain should only happen if it's actually in-use (so if no hypercargo is stored, no drain and/or initial bubble cost). So you could still have it installed, but if you were going through the Qucedi bottleneck you wouldn't be able to have anything stored in HyperCargo.

I just think it's a better drawback to offset the huge benefits, with a more plausible handwavium explanation for it. Traders would use it all the time in safe areas in nearby planets, but think twice in riskier and more distant places where they want to make sure they have witchfuel for evasive maneuvers and/or escape.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Thargoid »

It already has a drawback - every time you witchspace jump with it running there's a small chance (or slightly larger chance if you've hacked it) that the bubble collapses and takes any cargo inside with it...
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by mossfoot »

Thargoid wrote:
It already has a drawback - every time you witchspace jump with it running there's a small chance (or slightly larger chance if you've hacked it) that the bubble collapses and takes any cargo inside with it...
True, I was just thinking of exchanging the one disadvantage for another. One is just a random chance all the time, a roll of the dice. The other is something that has a constant minor drawback (which becomes bad if you run out of fuel and lose your cargo) making you use the system more wisely and use injectors more cautiously in combat.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by QCS »

Just chipping in (I know that HyperCargo is not maintained, I might think about adopting this OXP :-D ) about another... well, problem.

First, when using HyperCargo, captured offenders/fugitives in this HyperCargo bubble are not found by GalCop authorities. This is somewhat locical since they are in HyperCargo. Otherwise it is illogical since GalCop can "scan" the HyperCargo.
Merely a technical problem: I don't get bounty/insurance for them :twisted:

Thinking more about it: How does living material like slaves react to being in Hyperspace bubble for days/weeks?

I would suggest to modify HyperCargo to exclude Slaves just like it does with the cabin safe items. This way we have another drawback of this otherwise very powerful feature, can explain it better and circumvent the captured fugitives problem.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Torell »

Hi All,

I found a bug in this OXP (when using Oolite v1.82). I simply report it here.

After loading to hyper cargo all cargos are loaded except two. They are listed with NaNt in the hyper cargo:
Liquor & Wines: NaNt
Alien Items: NaNt
(NaNt = Not-A-Number tons)
They still remain in the normal cargo if other cargos are loaded to hyper cargo.

Found it in script.js (line 10)

Code: Select all

this.cargoNameArray = ["food", "textiles", "radioactives", "slaves", "liquor/wines", "luxuries", "narcotics", "computers", "machinery", "alloys", "firearms", "furs", "minerals", "alien items"];
The names "liquor/wines" and "alien items" are wrong. It should be

Code: Select all

this.cargoNameArray = ["food", "textiles", "radioactives", "slaves", "liquor_wines", "luxuries", "narcotics", "computers", "machinery", "alloys", "firearms", "furs", "minerals", "alien_items"];
I changed it and now it works.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by spara »

Welcome aboard Torell.

Nice fix. That bit changed in the latest version of Oolite and there are some OXPs that are not functioning correctly at the moment. Oolite 1.82 has actually changed so much that it's possible to have custom commodities that will break the OXP again. Don't know of any yet, but it's only a mater of time some will surface :mrgreen: . If you're up to it, you might want to try making the OXP more dynamic :wink: .
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Torell »

Thanx :)

"Up to it" is relative, I found this game eight days ago ;)

But I'm playing around with the OXPs and learning how it works.
The time for my own OXPs wil come...
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Cody »

Torell wrote:
But I'm playing around with the OXPs and learning how it works. The time for my own OXPs wil come...
Cookies in the jar - welcome aboard, Commander!
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Frunobulax »

The OXP page reads that it is possible to access the HyperCargo in flight. However, I can't do it (Oolite 1.82) - is this still possible? Not being able to access the system would reduce the value of the system for guys like me that like to salvage ships, and often uses his MissileMachine. :)
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Norby »

Frunobulax wrote:
The OXP page reads that it is possible to access the HyperCargo in flight. However, I can't do it (Oolite 1.82) - is this still possible?
It is working at me, via F5F5F8 during flight. Maybe your equipment is damaged? There is a small chance at each hyperjump to the HyperCargo suffer damage (more if you bought a hack), in this case you can not activate it until repaired.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by Taka »

Hello all.
Is anyone still looking at this thread?
Have you noticed that cargo in hyper storage will be recorded as “lost cargo” when you dock? Thereby decreasing your rating as a trader.
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Re: HyperCargo OXP

Post by phkb »

Welcome aboard, Taka!

It looks like this OXP is currently unmaintained at the moment, and hasn't had an update in quite some time. Some bugs were noted back up the thread, but no one has come along to take up the mantle of maintenance, so the bugs have remained. This isn't an OXP I'm familiar with, and I already have quite a number of OXP's to maintain, so I'm afraid I can't help more. If the problems are getting in the way of gameplay, the best suggestion I can offer is to uninstall the OXP.
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