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Replacement title themes for Oolite.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:29 pm
by RustiSwordz
Ive not acvtually tried it. replacing the OOlite theme with a song of your own.

But if you did what song(s) would you use.

I would use the following:

Journey of the Sorcerer by The Eagles.
(Those of you familiar to a famous UK 80's sci fi show will recognise this even if you don't know the name.)

Airwolf Theme.

Theme to the Black Hole

What songs/ music would you have?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:02 am
by Rxke
I'd keep the original, the other stuff you linked is probably copyrighted...

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:20 am
by RustiSwordz
I never menat to be publically avalible, i meant on your own computer...

Unless the eagles can hack everyones offline PC...

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:24 am
by Kaks
Meh, I personally like Oolite March, courtesy of NoSleep Nigel. I use that! :P

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:05 am
by Steve
Definitely something important-sounding by Vangelis 8)

Have to say though, the title music isn't something people listen to very much, is it? I think we're all tapping "Y" to load up our Commander as soon as the game's running!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:49 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Steve wrote:
Have to say though, the title music isn't something people listen to very much, is it? I think we're all tapping "Y" to load up our Commander as soon as the game's running!
I'm personally guilty of that. :P

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:01 pm
by Smivs
What, you mean there's more than Da-da-da-da-dum ?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:20 pm
by Commander McLane
Steve wrote:
Have to say though, the title music isn't something people listen to very much, is it? I think we're all tapping "Y" to load up our Commander as soon as the game's running!
On a Mac it's even worse. I simply double-click on my save-file, and get directly to my commander's F5-screen. No spinning Cobra, no pressing Y or N, and of course no music. (I have been told that double-clicking the save-game only works in the Mac version, so don't try this at home. :P )

theme music

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:58 am
by christina
the new star trek movie theme.. or the music that was used for the start trek trailer.. that was cool

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:12 pm
by Ganelon
I've thought about this question, actually. The current theme isn't bad, but I've thought of clipping the first minute off it because I don't care so much for the synth voice and at just about one minute in, the piece smooths out for a bit into something I really like.

The start-up screen is nice and all, but not the sort of thing the average player is likely to sit and watch while listening to the music. So let's imagine that just past it was an optional intro movie, that's just dripping with eye candy, fight sequences, majestic fly-bys of Coriolis stations and planets and other big things.. Maybe with stirring snips from the Oo-fiction or a narrative on the history and current situation out in space or something like that..

"Write a new piece for it" would be what first comes to mind, but that isn't much of an answer in a discussion like this, since nobody would have any idea what I might have in mind.

So, sticking to things people might have heard or could at least find someplace to hear on the internet:

"Ocean Song" from the album "Olias of Sunhillow" by Jon Anderson

"Pulsar" off the album "Albedo 0.39" by Vangelis

"White Rock" off the album "White Rock" by Rick Wakeman

Or for an indie possibility with a compatible looking CC license, I'd consider the piece "Na Llu" off the "Secrets" album by Roger Subirana. If it weren't for the "ND" in the CC license of his "Point of No Return" album, my choice would be the song "Pyraminx".

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:21 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Ganelon wrote:
I've thought about this question, actually. The current theme isn't bad, but I've thought of clipping the first minute off it because I don't care so much for the synth voice and at just about one minute in, the piece smooths out for a bit into something I really like.

The start-up screen is nice and all, but not the sort of thing the average player is likely to sit and watch while listening to the music. So let's imagine that just past it was an optional intro movie, that's just dripping with eye candy, fight sequences, majestic fly-bys of Coriolis stations and planets and other big things.. Maybe with stirring snips from the Oo-fiction or a narrative on the history and current situation out in space or something like that..

"Write a new piece for it" would be what first comes to mind, but that isn't much of an answer in a discussion like this, since nobody would have any idea what I might have in mind.

So, sticking to things people might have heard or could at least find someplace to hear on the internet:

"Ocean Song" from the album "Olias of Sunhillow" by Jon Anderson

"Pulsar" off the album "Albedo 0.39" by Vangelis

"White Rock" off the album "White Rock" by Rick Wakeman

Or for an indie possibility with a compatible looking CC license, I'd consider the piece "Na Llu" off the "Secrets" album by Roger Subirana. If it weren't for the "ND" in the CC license of his "Point of No Return" album, my choice would be the song "Pyraminx".
The problem with this idea (which I like) is most of the real-kick-ass eye candy is OXP only, not in the core game.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:36 pm
by Thargoid
DaddyHoggy wrote:
The problem with this idea (which I like) is most of the real-kick-ass eye candy is OXP only, not in the core game.
So it'd just need a little disclaimer at the bottom saying "Non-core game footage" or something like that.

They get away with enough "Not actual game footage" little footers in TV ads for video games these days that we could use the same dodge ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:44 pm
by Ganelon
"Not a flying toy." LOL

Maybe it could be developed into a showcase for OXPs, if the "fine print" told what OXP they were seeing at a given moment or some OXPs for piratey style adventures or Galcop Navy sequences that are being shown and so on. Not like it'd be trying to sell anything, since the OXps are free.

With how often the question gets asked by a new player "What OXPs should I install?", it could be a sampler so they could at least see some of what is available. We could just say "Watch the intro movie and you'll see what some of them can do, and you can decide for yourself what you might like to try."

Seeing drewwa1's vid of the Tianve Pulsar, and TOTAhruman's shader demo on youtube convinced me I wanted those. And PAgroove's demo there of the BGS had me wanting it before it was even actually available. LOL

Demos and samplers are *good*. Since OXPs are free and wholly optional, it's not even really like "selling up". It's just showing some things the game can be if the player wants it.

An in-game "movie player" of the sort it would take could also be good for some mission type OXPs for short cut-scene sequences. Or when docking at a station, there could be a movie a few seconds long that shows the actual moments of landing as they'd appear from inside the player's ship. Such scenes weren't a part of the original Elite game, but I think they *were* a part of what a lot of us filled in with imagination.

Could also be good for providing optional tutorials in the assorted fine points of Oolite-ing, even in the strict game. In fact, the strict mode would probably be the best choice for making tutorials.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:52 pm
by Smivs
The only dilemma is what OXPs to feature. I can see a lot of Authors being very p****d off 'cos their pride and joy wasn't featured.
And of course this would only work for eye-candy - how could you summarize a complex OXP with missions, ships, equipment etc in a short (few seconds?) clip from a 'trailer'.
And I haven't even got on to Ships yet... :?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:29 pm
by Ganelon
There's an easy answer to that, Smivs. Feature the ones where the creator(s) want people to play their OXPs badly enough to work up the clip in whatever standardised format and length limit would be necessary. If it was included with the core, then it'd be whatever was submitted and to standards in time for a release. If it was a bit of code in the core that enabled a demo player but didn't actually contain the footage, then it could be done like an OXP and a demo could be included soon after it was complete.

Right now, OXPs with demos up on someplace like youtube or where there's an attractive and informative website (like Isis Interstellar or Ramirez's sites for example) get a bit more attention. That's only right, since they're doing a bit more work to get it.