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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:53 am
by christina
HELLO EVERYONE, have not been around for some time...( dam that real life. it gets in the way).
well i have little problem..
installed new version of Oolite .. saves are not working..
BUt starting new game.. launch ,hyperspace and bang!.. suddenly. TWO MANY RED dots on my screen and ...I DEAD!...
everytime, first mission, easy...easyish level no more..
i removed all oxp's ..still the same thing happens..
exit hyprspace, and within seconds a gang of pirates blasts.. most of the time i dont even have time to find them. i just see red lines coming from a long way out.... and BANG ! i dead......

and whats with this new bsg oxp on you tube.. looks nice ... re=related

I mean REAL NICE...
what other oxps are running in this video????

he doesnt get 'wasted' as soon as he drops out in hyprespace?

wot am i doing wrong??
please help
i need a fix of flight time :)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:35 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Hmm, some fresh ink has been getting herself in trouble, I see.

Sounds like you've been trying to fly milk runs into Anarchy systems. That's not a bright thing to do if you're just starting on your space career, miss. You're ill-equipped to handle the heat, and you're rated 'Harmless' for a damn good reason. Frankly speaking, you're piratebait, madam.

Best advice: Stick to Democracies and Corporate States. Piracy is everywhere, but you stand a better chance in those politically stable systems, where there's lots of Vipers around to keep the freebooters off your tail.
When you've built up an iron ass, you'll be set to kick their butts instead of them kicking yours.

Oh, and welcome to the friendliest forum this side of Reidquat. :D

thank you for the reply

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:22 am
by christina
THanks for the reply.
as i,m starting a new game... which way to go then.

i am at the default start.... corp agri...... theres not much to choose from... and i dont think any of the near by planets,systems are Anarchy?


so i need a'milk run' advise direction.. to try out..
cos every where i go is just sucking vacuum time...

and one hit .. i lost all my food cargo.......

thanks again..

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:52 am
by Thargoid
Riedquat is a no-go zone for a newbie, and right next door to Lave...

Best advice is to pootle around between Lave, Leesti and Diso for a few runs to build up some cash and better equipment before getting too brave and wandering further afield.

Oh, and when travelling between the witchpoint and the station, stay out of the space-lane and fly on a parallel backroad course ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:31 am
by Kaks
Christina, if you press 'i' while on the short range screen, you'll see 2 symbols and a number instead of planet's names. The first symbol is the type of economy, the second one the type of government, and the number is the technology level.

As well as anarchies (purple-ish A in a circle), I'd also try and stay away from feudal systems (brown castle), they've got their fair share of rogue pilots too! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:46 am
by snork
and dictatorships (fist).

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:08 am
by Disembodied
Avoid Multi-governments (a sort of a Z-shape inside a circle) too. The safest places are Corporate States (ยข), Democracies (an X in a box) and Confederacies (a star above a little triangle-thing): See the wiki for more details.

Until you're stronger it's worth sticking to the safer systems. If you still find yourself being jumped, it's worth checking to see if you're a Fugitive, and so will be attracting the hostile attention of the police!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:22 am
by Kaks

So basically, as long as you don't go anywhere, you should be relatively safe! :D

Good point about multi-governments, they can be iffy sometimes... Dictatorships are still ok IMO, and definitely hard to avoid, expecially at the beginning... Lave itself is a dictatorship! :)

gee thank guys

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:04 am
by christina
Gee thanks everyone.. best i jst hover around outside......

is there a list ,somewhere, that has the meaning of all these sybols?.

brown castles and etc?

but. thanks again.
it is now friday PM here and time to go home....POETS day

Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday.........and olite time after tea time.

:D :D


Re: gee thank guys

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:20 am
by Kaks
christina wrote:
is there a list ,somewhere, that has the meaning of all these sybols?.

brown castles and etc?
Disembodied wrote:
See the wiki for more details.

going nowhere fast

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:55 am
by christina
hhhmmmm .. is there... there must be....
a oxp i have added...... but dont know which
that increases the pirates??

cos i dont hyper space i just launch.. still near the station AND NOT past the marker bouy.. and bang bang bang.. i dead..
this game is not the adventure i remmeber....
it just get wasted.
by the way love the bgs oxp with the new grapgics... but one of them is not a oxp just sounds ?.. what i do replace them where.. the sounds in the bgs oxp.. or they replace the sound somewhere else?
a miffed as to what to do ..

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:03 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
Step 0: Pull all of your OXP's.

Step 1: Add Half of the uninstalled OXP's back in.

Step 2: Does the ambush still happen?
If No: Go To Step 1.
If Yes: Remove half of the OXP's that you installed in the last step.

Step 3: Go to Step 2.

Keep looping through this process, you'll narrow it down to ONE oxp. That's your troublemaker.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:03 am
by christina
thanks kaks for the chart


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:45 am
by Getafix
christina wrote: there a list ,somewhere, that has the meaning of all these sybols?.

brown castles and etc?...
Apart from the wiki, you may also find an index in "OoliteRS.pdf" page 3,
which is delivered within the Oolite installation.

Furthermore, since you are using the BGS OXP,
in the "Short Range Chart" screen,
the background image explains the icons. 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:16 pm
by christina
thanks 'getafix'
i found it and i took the BSA image into photo shop and added this text

" Press 'i' for legend' ust to remind me..

maybe the person who did the bsa images... very nice they are to.. wuld lke to add it????