Oolite test release 1.74.2
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:05 pm
Oolite test release 1.74.2 is now available from GURPO. This is a bug-fix update to 1.74.1. The updater can be applied to 1.65 and the test release series starting from 1.73 (specifically, versions 1.65, 1.73 mislabelled as, 1.73,, 1.73.1, 1.73.2, 1.73.3, 1.73.4, 1.74 and 1.74.1). The updater no longer requires Rosetta.
Changes between Oolite 1.74.1 and Oolite 1.74.2:
Changes between Oolite 1.74.1 and Oolite 1.74.2:
- Stopped player from selecting invalid jump destination during jump countdown.
- Fixed docking permissions inconsistencies: all hostile stations now refuse docking permissions.
- Switching to custom views now allowed in a consistent way.
- Weapon repeat rate is now per-weapon.
- Current zoom level is now preserved when switching HUDs.
- Exhaust plume now resets after hyperspace jumps/scripted teleporting/auto-docking.
- Fixed overlapping system confusion when loading games and searching for systems.
- All automatically generated sun skimmers should now be adequately shielded.
- Fixed occasional “bleached”-looking planets on system info screen.
- Fixed wrong distance showing on the short range chart when switching back from the long range chart.
- Improved default speech synthesis voice (not Mac OS X).
- SystemInfo.systemsInRange() can now be called on a specific SystemInfo object, instead of always applying to the current system.
- New JavaScript event: shipAttackedOther() (inverse of shipBeingAttacked(), called immediately after shipBeingAttacked()).
- If a script removes a piece of equipment in the equipmentDamaged() event handler, no “equipment damaged” message is generated.
- Ship.removeEquipment() now works on damaged equipment.
- Fixed substitution priority for expandDescription() and expandMissionText(), the local override dictionary now takes precedence over everything else.
- New shipinfo key: station_roll.
- Fixed some cases where AIs could break group handling.
- Shader errors detected in the link phase (generally, problems involving state shared between the vertex and fragment shader) are now reported properly.