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Deposed - Help Please!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:02 am
by Barney_Gumble
I'm struggling here - I cannot find the pirates anywhere!

V'ir sbyybjrq gur pyhrf ba gur S7 fperra gb Rfvfenna gura gur genvy ehaf pbyq. V'ir tbar nyy nebhaq gur ybpny nern, ohg pna'g svaq gurz ng nyy.

What am I doing wrong?!

Thanks in Advance...

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:48 am
by JazHaz
What pirates? Are you doing a mission? If so which one?

EDIT: dur - Deposed OXP!! :) Not played this OXP.

What version of Oolite are you running? If it's 1.74+ then it's possible that the OXP is not working correctly.

Oh and welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat!™

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:55 am
by Eric Walch
Hello Barney,

Welcome to this side of Riedquat. I don't think you do anything wrong but just have to look around a bit more. Or to say in orkish: Whfg frnepu shegure nebhaq. V erzrzore guvf gb or cnvashy fb V nqqrq n srj pyhrf zber va gur cnfg sbe rkgen flfgrzf. Gur sbyybjvat flfgrzf ubyq pyhrf: rqbedh, dhvfor, mnznfb, grvfra, rfvfenna, yrdhgrbe, orrfrq, vair. Bayl bar vf n ivgny pyhr V guvax. Gur gnetrg flfgrz vf abar bs gur nobir ohg jvguva bar whzc bs gur ivgny pyhr jura V erzrzore jryy.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:30 pm
by Commander McLane
Nice orkish! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:39 am
by seventh
Black widow with a hourglass sign?