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Optimal XBox 360 controller setup

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:14 pm
by mcarans
[UPDATE: Please see for Linux XBox360 Controller setup]

I've plugged away at this and come up with the following set up using the Xboxdrv

My launcher for Oolite that sets up Xboxdrv with my button and axis mappings is:


# Start xboxdrv and remember its PID in the variable XBOXPID
xboxdrv -s --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button -l 0 --axis-sensitivity X1=-0.5,X2=-0.5,Y2=-0.5 --axismap -Y2=Y2 --ui-axismap Y1=XK_1:XK_2 --ui-buttonmap \
lb+B=XK_m &
#du=XK_Up,dd=XK_Down : speed
#dl=XK_Left,dr=XK_Right : previous, next target
#lt=XK_w : fire lasers
#rt=XK_z : scanner zoom
#lb=XK_r : identify object
#rb=XK_i : inject speed
#X=XK_Return : launch missile
#A=XK_t : target missile
#B=XK_e : ecm
#Y=XK_u : untarget missile
#start=XK_d : fast dock
#guide=XK_j : jumpdrive
#back=XK_p : pause
#lb+du=XK_3 : buy equipment/ships
#lb+dd=XK_8 : market prices
#lb+dl=XK_6 : local/galactic chart
#lb+dr=XK_7 : planet info
#lb+back=XK_5 : current status/manifest
#lb+start=XK_c : slow dock with target
#lb+X=XK_h : hyperspace
#lb+A=XK_backslash : advanced compass
#lb+B=XK_m : comms log

# Give xboxdrv a second to startup and create the device
sleep 1

# Launch your favorite game

# Kill xboxdrv and wait for it to finish

# EOF #

This required changing some key configs:

key_roll_left = "a";
key_roll_right = "s";
key_pitch_forward = "[";
key_pitch_back = "'";
key_yaw_left = ",";
key_yaw_right = ".";

key_increase_speed = 255; // up arrow
key_decrease_speed = 254; // down arrow
key_inject_fuel = "i";

key_fire_lasers = "w";
key_launch_missile = 13;
key_next_missile = "y";
key_ecm = "e";

key_target_incoming_missile = "T";
key_target_missile = "t";
key_untarget_missile = "u";
key_ident_system = "r";

key_scanner_zoom = "z";
key_scanner_unzoom = "Z";

key_launch_escapepod = 27; // escape
key_energy_bomb = "\t"; // tab

key_galactic_hyperspace = "g";
key_hyperspace = "h";
key_jumpdrive = "j";

key_dump_cargo = "D";
key_rotate_cargo = "R";

key_autopilot = "C";
key_autopilot_target = "c";
key_autodock = "d";
key_docking_clearance_request = "L";

key_snapshot = "*";
key_docking_music = "s";

key_advanced_nav_array = "^";
key_map_home = 302; // Home
key_map_info = "i";

key_pausebutton = "p";
key_show_fps = "F";
key_mouse_control = "M";

key_comms_log = "m";
key_next_compass_mode = "\\";

key_cloaking_device = "0";

key_contract_info = "?";

key_next_target = 252; // right arrow
key_previous_target = 253; // left arrow

key_custom_view = "v";

key_dump_target_state = "H";

Virtually everything can be controlled from the gamepad. For menus, the dpad is mapped to arrow keys and X is Enter. The left shoulder button is treated as a shift key.

Forward on the left analog stick gives forward view and back gives aft view - ie. the stick fwd/back is mapped to buttons, but left/right is not mapped and should be mapped in the game to roll. The other analog stick is for pitch/yaw.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:58 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Nice work! 8)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:41 am
by mcarans
[UPDATE: Please see for Linux XBox360 Controller setup]

I have slightly improved the setup and embedded the comments for ease of readability based on help from the XBoxDrv author. The key config in my first post is still needed. Here is my new launcher for Oolite:


# Start xboxdrv and remember its PID in the variable XBOXPID
xboxdrv -s --trigger-as-button --dpad-as-button -l 0 --axis-sensitivity X1=-0.5,X2=-0.5,Y2=-0.5 --axismap -Y2=Y2 --ui-axismap Y1=XK_1:XK_2 --ui-buttonmap \
du=XK_Up,dd=XK_Down,`# speed`\
dl=XK_Left,dr=XK_Right,`# previous, next target`\
lt=XK_w,`# fire lasers`\
rt=XK_r,`# identify object`\
lb=XK_y,`# next missile`\
rb=XK_i,`# inject speed`\
X=XK_Return,`# launch missile`\
A=XK_t,`# target missile`\
B=XK_e,`# ecm`\
Y=XK_u,`# untarget missile`\
start=XK_z,`# scanner zoom`\
guide=XK_j,`# jumpdrive`\
back=XK_p,`# pause`\
lb+du=XK_3,`# buy equipment/ships`\
lb+dd=XK_8,`# market prices`\
lb+dl=XK_6,`# local/galactic chart`\
lb+dr=XK_7,`# planet info`\
lb+back=XK_5,`# current status/manifest`\
lb+guide=XK_h,`# hyperspace`\
lb+start=XK_c,`# slow dock with target`\
lb+X=XK_d,`# fast dock`\
lb+A=XK_backslash,`# advanced compass`\
lb+B=XK_m `# comms log` &

# Give xboxdrv a second to startup and create the device
sleep 1

# Launch your favorite game

# Kill xboxdrv and wait for it to finish

# EOF #

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:10 am
by mcarans
Please see for Linux XBox360 Controller setup

I have made it a link off the FAQ.


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:57 am
by Lestradae
Shouldn't this be in the "Porting to other platforms" section, too?

Just suggesting.

Re: ..

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:30 am
by mcarans
Lestradae wrote:
Shouldn't this be in the "Porting to other platforms" section, too?

Just suggesting.
I'm happy to add it there, but couldn't find where you mean. Can you post a link? [EDIT: Do you mean "Porting to other platforms" in the forums or some place on the wiki?]

Re: ..

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:56 pm
by Eric Walch
mcarans wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
Shouldn't this be in the "Porting to other platforms" section, too?

Just suggesting.
I'm happy to add it there, but couldn't find where you mean. Can you post a link? [EDIT: Do you mean "Porting to other platforms" in the forums or some place on the wiki?]
Its here at this BB.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:05 pm
by mcarans
I had a post in the Oolite-Linux forum which is probably a more appropriate place than Porting to other platforms as the setup I described is for Linux. It is here: