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Debuging and qualifying my f... OXP

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:44 am
by McDjanoff

I am exploring the OXP world and made some tests with.

My problem is to qualify the OXP.
I've read many wiki entries and forums but don't found what I seek. There is an interesting debug.oxp, the logginf capacity of oolite itself, but not so well documented.

I think experienced OXPers have some recipes to verify how their OXP works.

Could you please expose your methods to help me ?


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:15 am
by Killer Wolf

Re: Debuging and qualifying my f... OXP

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:31 am
by Smivs
McDjanoff wrote:

I am exploring the OXP world and made some tests with.

My problem is to qualify the OXP.
I've read many wiki entries and forums but don't found what I seek. There is an interesting debug.oxp, the logginf capacity of oolite itself, but not so well documented.

I think experienced OXPers have some recipes to verify how their OXP works.

Could you please expose your methods to help me ?

Hi McDjanoff,
So you've made an OXP and you want to know how to test it, is that right?
Probably a good start is to load it into your AddOns folder and actually play it to start with.
It might help a bit if you could give some more details, as this may affect how you test it. For instance is it a new ship, or variation on an existing one? Is it a mission? Is it some eye-candy to make Oolite look prettier?
If you can give us a better idea what you're doing, someone here will probably be able to help you out.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:12 pm
by McDjanoff

Thank you for your anwers.

For my first OXP, I follow the tutorial found on the wiki : and work from ACDK's OXP : illicit unlock.

My goal is to fly with vessels not found on the market or some uniq models based on Griff's works as illicit unlock does, but with a better chance to found them.

So I've made duplicate illicit unlock directory, some haks on shipdata.plist and shipyard.plist and deploy the result in AddOns.
I code the same chance as for Adder, Python or Cobra MKI.

The logs indicate that oolite have took the OXP, but I never see one of my vessel proposed on the market.

I think there is something which don't work properly, and I don't want to spend too many hours in try and test if I can monitor my OXP process by oolite.


NB :
In my future projects I would like to have some better radar and hud functions as switching target, better target follow-up, display more informations ans so on ...
I would like also select the container to eject. A lot of small points in fact.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:19 pm
by Smivs
McDjanoff wrote:

Thank you for your anwers.

For my first OXP, I follow the tutorial found on the wiki : and work from ACDK's OXP : illicit unlock.

My goal is to fly with vessels not found on the market or some uniq models based on Griff's works as illicit unlock does, but with a better chance to found them.

So I've made duplicate illicit unlock directory, some haks on shipdata.plist and shipyard.plist and deploy the result in AddOns.
I code the same chance as for Adder, Python or Cobra MKI.

The logs indicate that oolite have took the OXP, but I never see one of my vessel proposed on the market.
The frequency of ships at shipyards is determined by the 'Chance' entry near the top of the shipyard.plist. This also determines the frequency of equipment fitted. The higher the number the more likely the ship is to appear. It is also dependent on Tech Level (near the bottom of the shipyard.plist). A lower number here will increase the frequency by making the ship available at more planets.
McDjanoff wrote:
NB :
In my future projects I would like to have some better radar and hud functions as switching target, better target follow-up, display more informations ans so on ...
I would like also select the container to eject. A lot of small points in fact.
You can already cycle through the cargo to decide what to eject. Use 'R' (Shift-r) to cycle through the cargo, then 'd' to eject what you've selected.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:28 pm
by Disembodied
McDjanoff wrote:
In my future projects I would like to have some better radar and hud functions as switching target, better target follow-up, display more informations ans so on ...
You can switch between targets now, using the Multi-Targeting System and the Target System Memory Upgrade.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:02 pm
by McDjanoff
Smivs wrote:

The frequency of ships at shipyards is determined by the 'Chance' entry near the top of the shipyard.plist. This also determines the frequency of equipment fitted. The higher the number the more likely the ship is to appear. It is also dependent on Tech Level (near the bottom of the shipyard.plist). A lower number here will increase the frequency by making the ship available at more planets.


You can already cycle through the cargo to decide what to eject. Use 'R' (Shift-r) to cycle through the cargo, then 'd' to eject what you've selected.
I've read the wiki documentation about "Chance" and "Tech Level" entries :), but I completely miss the Cargo Cycle command.

Thank you for your help Smivs.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:09 pm
by McDjanoff
Disembodied wrote:
McDjanoff wrote:
In my future projects I would like to have some better radar and hud functions as switching target, better target follow-up, display more informations ans so on ...
You can switch between targets now, using the Multi-Targeting System and the Target System Memory Upgrade.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you may cycle between already acquired targets, and you can't select target class as ennemies, cargo or all to scan the surround ?

I'll get a try next play time and thanks for your help.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:13 pm
by McDjanoff
This is what I name a good recipe :
Ahruman wrote:
Oolite has what amounts to a spell checker for shipdata.plist, called the OXP verifier. It can currently only be invoked from the command line.

On Windows or Linux:

Code: Select all --verify-oxp <path to OXP>
On Mac OS X:

Code: Select all --verify-oxp <path to OXP>
How can I have missed that ???


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:39 pm
by Disembodied
McDjanoff wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong, but you may cycle between already acquired targets, and you can't select target class as ennemies, cargo or all to scan the surround ?

I'll get a try next play time and thanks for your help.

No, you're right, you have to choose your targets manually, but once they're selected you can store them and select others, and then swap between the targets that you've picked. And you can't automatically select all cargo canisters as targets, or all enemies.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:30 pm
by McDjanoff

I would like this for canister hunting because I am fed up to seek them in the dark :?.
I've check my aboard computer and I found a ... ZX-81, so I understand better the poor capacities of the tracking system. I must upgrade it.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:50 pm
by Disembodied
If you're finding it difficult tracking down cargo canisters, try zooming in the scanner when you're at close range (the default key is "z", I think). In the absence of sophisticated onboard automation it makes scooping cans a lot easier!

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:01 pm
by Commander McLane
McDjanoff wrote:
I've check my aboard computer and I found a ... ZX-81...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Get my first OXP works ! but ....

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:56 am
by McDjanoff

I've succeed to have my first OXP working. I thank every body for the help.
I can now fly with 'illicit vessels' which have no other interest than my curiosity.

During the tests, I've got a weird thing : the change I've made don't take effect at the next reload of the game as there is a persistant layer keeping the old data. I've seek for a cache or similar thing and don't ffind anything.

Is the normal way of working for Oolite app ?


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:00 am
by JensAyton
Yes, there is a cache. It is refreshed if the immediate contents of the AddOns folder change, but not if OXP contents change. Hold down shift during startup to flush it (or use the always-flush-cache hidden setting).