Okti wrote:But you will need to handle all the OXP's written in the previous syntax. And I do not see a point in replacing the syntax.

The point is to improve the syntax by removing inconsistencies. That's what we all have done time and again, especially since Oolite 1.73. It's what all the deprecation business is about, and it's the reason why there's the 'working with 1.75' column in the Wiki's OXP list, and why some OXPs have a 'N' in that column.
Oolite itself is a work in progress, therefore nothing is set in stone. (That's not strictly true, because currently we are in a feature freeze, and therefore the current state of Oolite
is set in stone for the time being, except for bug fixes.) Handling all OXPs written in the previous syntax is what
all of us OXP writers have done
repeatedly(!) in the last couple of years. Therefore this really isn't an argument against doing it again. You're lucky, because you got into OXPing very late, after the feature freeze, therefore you have the privilege to do your first steps in a stable environment. But this is a rare exception, by no means the rule. I can't count the times when my OXPs had to be re-written because the syntax changed and they stopped working.