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Vampire MkIV : Diamondback

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:56 pm
by Killer Wolf
Latest from Isis Interstellar :

As per previous threads etc, this OXP incorporates the HUD switching ability, which only works in Trunk at the moment. As far as i've tested it, it seems to work fine, although (as per my thread in Discussions a while back) Oolite is wont to play silly buggers w/ me now and again, in that i mailed Thargoid (cheers for the script and help, bud) w/ a few queries and quirks that then subsequently vanished all by themselves.
needless to say, at the moment this OXP should probably be classed as a work-in-progress, so please shout out if anything crashes or doesn't work, as it may help the guys doing the Trunk code too.

Further pics, backstory, OXP are at :

Feedback welcome....

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:47 pm
by DaddyHoggy
That's very, very nice (although perhaps the normals on the raised edges could be teased back just a teeny-tiny bit) - but I love the shape!

Seriously, well done!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:17 pm
by JazHaz
Looks great! But does it work on 1.73.4 at all?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:07 pm
by Gimi
Gives me strong associations to F-22 and F-35. Had a look at your web page, and really like what you have done with the HUD (only minor thing is that the front and aft shield bars obscure visibility in combat mode in my view).

Any chance that the HUD enhancements you have made could be released as a separate OXP.

Otherwise, impressive.

Edit: Spelling

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:44 pm
by JensAyton
If I may make an extreme nitpick: “velocity” on the HUD should be “speed”. It’s hard to imagine a space pilot not knowing the difference.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:49 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Ahruman wrote:
If I may make an extreme nitpick: “velocity” on the HUD should be “speed”. It’s hard to imagine a space pilot not knowing the difference.
Oh, that hair is well and truly split! :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:25 pm
by Thargoid
I've got a suspicion or two about things that may need tweaking in the scripting. My plan is to look at it when I get time this week and try and sort things out (haven't had access to the HUDs until now so it's kinda difficult).

Also to properly check out the glitches KW saw that he mentions above that "magically fixed themselves".

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:57 am
by Killer Wolf
cheers for the comments.
not tried her w/ 1.73, but i'm thinking all you need do is remove the
script = "dbHUDswitch.js";
line from the Player shipdata entry and change the
hud = "dbtradinghud.plist";
line to read "dbnormalhud.plist" or "dbcombathud.plist" as you prefer.

Thargoid, one thing i did spot, is my velocity bar in the combat HUD : when you slow down it seems to turn dim/dark instead of going from yellow to green : i'll have a look myself as it could be a typo but you may know better if something else is up w/ it. Oddly, it's fine in the normal HUD.

oh, and :
- 6 dictionary results
   /vəˈlɒsɪti/ Show Spelled[vuh-los-i-tee] Show IPA
rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed: a high wind velocity.

= i don't see the issue.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:12 am
by drew
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Ahruman wrote:
If I may make an extreme nitpick: “velocity” on the HUD should be “speed”. It’s hard to imagine a space pilot not knowing the difference.
Oh, that hair is well and truly split! :wink:
He he.. Excellent! Damn, you lot are good! :lol:



Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:40 am
by DaddyHoggy
@KW - I think Ahruman is angling (no pun intended) that velocity is a vector, it must have a magnitude and a direction, speed is just a measure of how fast you are going. (In Frontier - ships had a velocity becuase you could be moving in one direction and be facing another, in E/Oolite you have a speed because you move where you point the nose of the ship)

They are subtlety different.

I hope this is what you were trying to get at Ahruman?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:46 am
by Thargoid
Killer Wolf wrote:
cheers for the comments.
not tried her w/ 1.73, but i'm thinking all you need do is remove the
script = "dbHUDswitch.js";
line from the Player shipdata entry and change the
hud = "dbtradinghud.plist";
line to read "dbnormalhud.plist" or "dbcombathud.plist" as you prefer.

Thargoid, one thing i did spot, is my velocity bar in the combat HUD : when you slow down it seems to turn dim/dark instead of going from yellow to green : i'll have a look myself as it could be a typo but you may know better if something else is up w/ it. Oddly, it's fine in the normal HUD.
I should be able to roll the 1.73 compatibility bit into the script, to just check the Oolite version and if it's <1.74 then just drop out of the script. You'll have to add the HUD setting line for the most suitable HUD (normalhud I guess) into shipdata.plist as noted above too if it's not already there.

As for the velocity bar, that sounds like a HUD plist typo - but I'm not an expert there having never written one and indeed only really glanced at existing ones.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:49 am
by JensAyton
Killer Wolf wrote:
- 6 dictionary results
   /vəˈlɒsɪti/ Show Spelled[vuh-los-i-tee] Show IPA
rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed: a high wind velocity.
Mere dictionaries are insufficiently nuanced for true pedants. In physics, and in technical usage in general, “velocity” always refers to a vector quantity. Speed is the magnitude of that vector.
DaddyHoggy wrote:
(In Frontier - ships had a velocity becuase you could be moving in one direction and be facing another, in E/Oolite you have a speed because you move where you point the nose of the ship)
Well, you still have a velocity, but the display is scalar and hence indicates only speed.

Re: Vampire MkIV : Diamondback

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:03 pm
by Amaranth
KW, these are beautiful ships, and I have installed them as OXPs a bit back. There is however a slight bug I have noticed (it's one of those 'is it just me?' moments)

Some times, and this affects both the Mk3 and Mk4 Vampires, the craft do not show up on the IFF scanner, and cannot be targeted. However, they are definately 'there' as

1) they mass-lock the torus drive
2) I can fire at them and they receive damage
3) They fire back and I receive damage

Could this be a clash of OXP's as I also have the 'Police IFF scanner upgrade' OXP installed?

Re: Vampire MkIV : Diamondback

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:28 am
by Capt. Murphy
Some of them have a chance of a cloaking device in their shipdata.plist. Is that what you are seeing - cloaked ships?

Re: Vampire MkIV : Diamondback

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:57 am
by another_commander
I think that some of them have a chance of carrying the scanner jammer thingy equipment. Can't remember the actual name now (and can't be bothered to look it up) but it's a piece of equipment that is included in the core game but is officially totally unsupported.