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The PHOENIX Total Net Worth List

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:52 am
by Fleet Commander Phoenix
Similar to JazHaz's two threads ("Who is the best commander?" and "Wealthiest Commanders"), this thread will list the top 25 Ooliters with the highest Net Worth. This includes your credit balance, what you purchased your ship for originally, the total value of your cargo (at average prices), your equipment, the value of any cargo or passenger contracts, the value of your missiles, bombs, mines, and pylon equipment, the value (at main station prices) of your fuel, and the total value of the number of GalNavy War Bonds you have purchased. It would be ideal if you would put the value of each item individually, as well as anything else you want to consider. This helps to reduce cheating, add additional sources of wealth, and makes it more interesting to look at. It will also be helpful if I make further charts of the people with the highest value pylon stuff, cargo, or war bonds, for example.

Basically, in its simplest form, the calculation is:

Ship Trade In + Credits + Cargo* + Missile Total Cost + Cargo Contract Worth + War Bonds.

If you don't have any cargo contracts or war bonds, it is pretty simple, and even simpler w/o cargo. You can just round your cargo and credits to the hundreds place, like I did, before you add to make it easier.

* Can be very approximate, eg. 46 kg gold = 50 (kg) * 70 (credits/kg) = 3,500 credits; if you have a lot of cargo, you can just sell and re-buy it to check

To make it even easier, Lestrade said:
Take the sum displayed at the F3-F3 screen for your ship's sales value, that already takes any equipment that might be sold into account.

Then calculate what cargo and contracts (if any) are worth, contracts can be approximated if undershot somewhat by treating them as cargo at cargo prices.

Then add-in your warbonds. Voila.
Thank You!

I will put my full details on the chart tomorrow, as I have to go to bed (it's 9:00) and I have a long day tomorrow.

Good luck, and may the richest (wo)man win!

Top Net Worth:

1.) Commander. Mclane: 12,000,000 cr.?
2.) Lestrade: 1,400,000 cr.
3.) Fleet Commander Phoenix: 325,400 cr.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:03 am
by JazHaz
I doubt anyone will post on this, including myself, as it is not easy to calculate.

I made sure that my two threads were easy to do, the worst of these was calculating the kill rate, but I included easy to follow instructions.

I don't think so...

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:15 am
by Fleet Commander Phoenix
I guess I can't do anything right, huh?

It really isn't that hard. It took me only a few minutes. Basically, in its simplest form, the calculation is:

Ship Trade In + Credits + Cargo* + Missile Total Cost + Contract Worth + War Bonds. If you don't have any contracts or war bonds, it is pretty simple, and even simpler w/o cargo. You can just round your cargo and credits to the hundreds place, like I did, before you add to make it easier.

* Can be very approximate, eg. 46 kg gold = 50 (kg) * 70 (credits/kg) = 3,500 credits; if you have a lot of cargo, you can just sell and re-buy it to check


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:33 am
by Lestradae
JazHaz wrote:
I doubt anyone will post on this, including myself, as it is not easy to calculate.
Fleet Commander Phoenix wrote:
Ship Trade In + Credits + Cargo* + Missile Total Cost + Contract Worth + War Bonds
I think that can be "easified" by this:

Take the sum displayed at the F3-F3 screen for your ship's sales value, that already takes any equipment that might be sold into account.

Then calculate what cargo and contracts (if any) are worth, contracts can be approximated if undershot somewhat by treating them as cargo at cargo prices.

Then add-in your warbonds. Voila.

I guess I have around 1.4 million Cr net worth atm if I calculate like this.

One nitpick: It's Cr, not $. If you compare Oolite (1kg gold at around 40 Cr) and today's stockmarket (1kg gold at around 35650$) a Cr might be in the region of 1000$.

So the Cobra Mk III you start out with is around 150 million $ worth and your seed money of 100 Cr are actually 100000 $. And I am now at 1.4 billion $ - wish I had that kind of money in RL :wink:

Add me to your list if you like, though at the moment Cmdr McLane will be nr.1 anyways with his 12.X billion $ ... have a look into the other thread for that.

Thank You

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:44 am
by Fleet Commander Phoenix
Thank you, Mr. Lestrade! I will put your "easyified" directions on my first post, as well as your total net worth. Thank you for your advice and your support! And sorry about the credits thing—I know it is in credits, as those are rediculosly good prices for things. I just didn't want to find the Credits symbol on my keyboard. I will just put cr instead.