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Who has the most cash & most expensive ship?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:47 pm
by JazHaz
Similar to the Who is the best Oolite player? thread, now I would like to know who has the most cash, and who has the most expensive ship? Reply in this thread and I'll edit the tables.
  • Top 5 Wealthiest Commanders

    McLane - 12,767,034.6 cr
    Loxley - 2,935,286.8
    El Viejo - 1,211,524.4
    Lestradae - 450,000 approx
    Phoenix - 73,238.4
  • Top 5 Ship Trade In Value (non RS/OSE)

    McLane - Imperial Courier - 786,275 cr
    Smivs - Boa II Clipper - 509,039
    Snork - Boa Class Cruiser - 445,028
    JazHaz - Boa Class Cruiser - 411,720
    Phoenix - Trident Executive Shuttle - 238,000
  • Top 5 Ship Trade In Value (RS/OSE)

    Lestradae - RS Deep Space Dredger - 838,000 cr
    Phoenix - Trident Executive Shuttle - 158,384
NB: Cash is straightforward, what's your current balance in credits? Most Expensive Ship is your ship's trade in value (takes into account your equipment), from the Ships For Sale Screen.

Added a third table for those of you who use Real Shipyards or equivalent which alter ship prices.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:18 pm
by Commander McLane
Not sure how much sense the "most expensive ship" category makes. It is, after all, quite depending on your OXPs. Some people may be flying ships which other people may not consider existing in the Ooniverse (like for myself e.g. a player dredger or behemoth doesn't exist, and in the Ooniverse I am playing in there is nothing with even remotely their price tag).

Also note that, to be fair, you should have two distinct lists, because there is one OXP (RS and its further incarnations) which alters ship prices. So the same ship will have two different price tags for one pilot in the regular Ooniverse and another one in the RS/OSE-branch. By nature this makes prices incomparable between the orginal and the branch.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:28 pm
by JazHaz
Commander McLane wrote:
Some people may be flying ships which other people may not consider existing in the Ooniverse (like for myself e.g. a player dredger or behemoth doesn't exist, and in the Ooniverse I am playing in there is nothing with even remotely their price tag).
That's fine, it's interesting to see what people are choosing to fly, especially at the later stages of the game. I'm getting to that stage where I'm thinking what ship to get next.
Commander McLane wrote:
Also note that, to be fair, you should have two distinct lists, because there is one OXP (RS and its further incarnations) which alters ship prices.
Have split the expensive ship section into two tables.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:47 pm
by Smivs
It depends. My regular ship (Boa Clipper) currently has a trade-in of Cr 466,619 but is due for a service any day, which should take it to well over 600,000 as it's fully loaded.
Edit:- The ship's now had an overhaul, and, disappointingly, is still only? worth 509,039 Cr.
Having said that I've currently got saved games for many of the standard ships for a project I'm working on, and my Anaconda is probably worth a bit more than the Clipper.
Credits wise, only about 72,000 at the moment, because the Clipper cost a fortune to buy (with NEU) and equip with all the options.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:44 pm
by Loxley
Well, my current ship is a Cobra Rapier with a resale value of 172,490 Cr.

Current cash, slightly embarrassingly, stands at um 2,935,286.8 Cr.

I say embarrassing, because I only had 3,000 Cr until these arrogant aristocrats made some rather derogatory comments about my under equipped ship and lowly combat ranking. Whilst ripping off the rich is entirely in keeping with my nom de guerre, I can't really claim shipyards, salvage gangs or the Gal Navy as downtrodden peasantry.

I think I'll have to make a save game edit to simulate some charitable donations.


Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:07 am
by Lestradae
I am flying an RS Deep Space Dredger atm, which in my current game version (neo-RS-priced) costs 1.090.000 Cr. With the distinction, it should be in the "with RS" section therefore.

Money I own, with or without the equipment I have? Without equipment roughly at 400.000 Cr, with more in the region of 800.000 Cr.

The with/without equipment category is missing for me, too. And if you have a look at McLane's F5 screen in the other "Who is the best" thread, you can already tuck him at place 1 in the money list, what was it he has, 12 million Cr?

Re: ..

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:43 am
by JazHaz
Lestradae wrote:
I am flying an RS Deep Space Dredger atm, which in my current game version (neo-RS-priced) costs 1.090.000 Cr.
Is that the cost price or trade in value? What I want to know is the trade-in value, ie with installed equipment factored in.
Lestradae wrote:
Money I own, with or without the equipment I have? Without equipment roughly at 400.000 Cr
Without equipment. I want to know what spending cash you have, not what you have bought.
Lestradae wrote:
And if you have a look at McLane's F5 screen in the other "Who is the best" thread, you can already tuck him at place 1 in the money list, what was it he has, 12 million Cr?
Yes have picked that up:
Cmdr McLane wrote:

Re: ..

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:57 am
by JazHaz
Lestradae wrote:
And if you have a look at McLane's F5 screen in the other "Who is the best" thread, you can already tuck him at place 1 in the money list, what was it he has, 12 million Cr?
Further to this, have found El Viejo's pic on the other thread:
El Viejo wrote:
My primary Commander:


Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:05 am
by Commander McLane
As you already have put me in one list, I can also tell you that the current trade-in value of my Imperial Courier (original) is 786275.0 Cr.


Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:25 am
by Lestradae
The trade-in value of my Dredger including equipment is 838.000 Cr, and I happen to have about 450.000 Cr atm, too.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:28 pm
by snork
Boa Mk.2 / Class Cruiser, TiV : 445,028.0 Cr
Cash : 24,847.1 Cr - :D but I am just one jump short to deliver my first Platinum Contract.
I was lucky enough to have been short of money for the most time : not enough to buy a Boa2CC, next not enough to buy military shield enhancement with it, next not enough to sign larger gold/platinum/gem contracts. :) I guess this is going to change now.

My Credits and Ship

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:37 am
by Fleet Commander Phoenix
Hello, Mr. JazHaz. You might remember me from your helpful comments on my userpage. If you are wondering, it is all grown up! (Come take a look if you'd like.) Anyway, I currently have 73,238.4 credits, and my ship, a Trident Executive Shuttle, is worth 238,000 credits non-RS trade in and 158384 credits RS trade in (at 91% trade in factor), and I play in both. I own every piece of equipment you can care to name, standard or OXP, except for the "special ones" (Naval EU, MilJammer, MilFilter, Cloak, Mark Ident Transponder, Thargoid Laser, etc. [but do have MilShields and AMS]. I have about 4,000 credits in cargo, mostly gems and gold, as well.

By the way, I am going to do a thread asking for peoples' total net worth: Cash, Cargo, Ship Original Cost, Equipment, Missiles, Mines, Pylon Equipment, GalNavy War Bonds, contract and passenger values, etc. I would welcome all to contribute, and thank you, JazHaz, for the inspiration.

Re: My Credits and Ship

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:54 am
by JazHaz
Fleet Commander Phoenix wrote:
By the way, I am going to do a thread asking for peoples' total net worth: Cash, Cargo, Ship Original Cost, Equipment, Missiles, Mines, Pylon Equipment, GalNavy War Bonds, contract and passenger values, etc. I would welcome all to contribute, and thank you, JazHaz, for the inspiration.
How would you calculate that? Not easy to do.

Table's updated btw.

Oh and don't forget to look at the other thread.


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:30 am
by Fleet Commander Phoenix
If you look at my reply, to your message on my thread, you can see that it is simpler than it initially looked (I omitted some more extraneous elements).

Thank you for putting my stats on the charts.

I put my kill count (793) on the other thread.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:54 pm
by JazHaz
Updated the tables, as I now have a Boa Class Cruiser. Bought it a little early, so now I don't have much extra cash, and consequently I have dropped off the Wealthiest Commanders table!