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When does Dr Who restart

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:14 pm
by Chrisfs
Does anyone on that side of the ocean know when the new Dr. Who series will start broadcasting over there ?

Also been watching Robin Hood Season 3 that's a bunch of fun.

Re: When does Dr Who restart

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:27 pm
by JazHaz
Chrisfs wrote:
Does anyone on that side of the ocean know when the new Dr. Who series will start broadcasting over there ?
Where have you got to? Have you seen the end of the David Tennant Doctor? And the beginning of the Matt Smith Doctor? We had that on New Year's Day.

The new series is due in the UK at Easter.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:31 pm
by JazHaz

What do you think of the new logos?


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:21 pm
by Lestradae
7th of april was rumoured.

I like the new logo. Good blend of old and new imo.

There seem to be quite some DW fans on this forum :wink:


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:32 pm
by Lestradae
Ah ...

"Doctor Who returns to BBC1/HD on Saturday 3rd April 2010!" ... confirmed/


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:12 am
by Chrisfs
Thanks Lestradae!

I have gotten to end of David Tennent's run and saw the change. I have liked Steven Moffat's episodes so I am eagerly awaiting the new series.
I'm somewhat of a classical advocate when it comes to Dr. Who, so I'm not all that excited about the DW/Tardis one, but it is what it is and I'm not going to have a fit. I'm interested in how Matt Smith is going to be. I noticed that the stone assassins from Blink are back. I was wondering how long it would take for some unsuspecting workman to move one while renovating the house.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:11 am
by JazHaz
Check out the Series 5 Preview, on YouTube:

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:40 am
by Chrisfs
He looks promising. Though, if taking a sledge hammer to a dalek actually worked, I think they would have been less of a problem to begin with...

The first episode is reportedly a full 60 minutes long. (and of course without commericals!,) sigh, sometimes I think I'd pay a license fee for BBC if they'd let me. as it is, the closest legal thing is BBC America, which only comes bundled with a cable subscription of 80 or some other channels at something like $50/mo, when I barely watch anything on TV as it is.

Neil Gaiman is reported to have written an episode in the new season.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:45 am
by DaddyHoggy
Chrisfs wrote:
He looks promising. Though, if taking a sledge hammer to a dalek actually worked, I think they would have been less of a problem to begin with...

The first episode is reportedly a full 60 minutes long. (and of course without commericals!,) sigh, sometimes I think I'd pay a license fee for BBC if they'd let me. as it is, the closest legal thing is BBC America, which only comes bundled with a cable subscription of 80 or some other channels at something like $50/mo, when I barely watch anything on TV as it is.

Neil Gaiman is reported to have written an episode in the new season.
When I lived in the US (1999) I think I only watched HBO!

I too had heard Neil Gaiman had penned an episode - if true - it should be sublime - he's a big DW fan.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:52 am
by Selezen
Regarding Neil Gaiman, see below: ... rms_doctor

Seems he's writing for next year's series.

I like the new logos. The tardis shaped one is the generic universe one and the left one is (I would assume) the one that will be used in the series titles. If so, then it's a return to the older styles, where the logo was always quite blocky. Nice one, BBC!

I have some hope for the new series with Stephen Moffat at the helm. I'm hoping we might get more episodes that focus more on the doctor and some SciFi stories rather than the relationship between the doctor and the companion. Having seen the new companion (making it look like Doctor Who meets Hollyoaks) I may be out of luck, but I would be happy if the romantic interests were downplayed.

I've become a little jaded lately - the latter seasons have some good stories, but there's just too much raw emotion and people crying all over the place these days. The final Tennant episode was good on a first watch, but on repeated viewings it just gets to schmaltzy and over-wrought. The doctor's temper tantrum about having to die was just a little bit childish, and all that talk about Matt Smith being cast because he "had a strange maturity and sense of being older" was put into a bad light by a 900 year old man throwing his rattle out of his pram in a way he never really did before. Between the overly sugarly love interest plots and the immature outbursts, it's starting to feel a bit like watching Star Wars Episode II. Just a little too far in this troper's opinion...

I think it is a good thing that RTD has taken a step back now and let someone else bring in some fresh ideas. Neil Gaiman being on the writing staff can ONLY be a good thing! Look forward to some dark and interesting storylines. Please, though, enough people have fallen in love with the Doctor now, let's leave that idea to one side for now and try to do some other story ideas now. Leave the teenage angst to ITV and C4...

I just have this fear that DW is going to become Teenage Angst Drama Series #322197 with a little bit of scifi. Twilight for nerds.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:54 am
by JazHaz
JazHaz wrote:
Check out the Series 5 Preview, on YouTube:
Did you spot the new look TARDIS, on about 23 seconds? Well I assume it is it anyway.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:07 am
by Chrisfs
I think there's likely to be some romance between the Doctor and the companion, which I don't mind so much, but I agree that the second half of the full season and the last few specials got way too emotional for no other reason then to be emotional. I think RTD was done after Season 4 and I am happy to see him move on and Steven Moffat to take the helm.

opinions with spoilers

Gur svanyr bs Frnfba 4 jnf n ynfg zvahgr 'tbgpun' nf sne nf Qbaan jnf pbaprearq. Qrirybcvat n punenpgre gung sne naq gura pbafvtavat ure gb n iveghny rkvyr ntteningrq zr. Gur ynfg fcrpvny jnf qenja bhg, jvgu n ahzore bs grnfre nyzbfg qrnguf, naq lrf gur gnagehz pnhtug zr bss thneq nf jryy.
Trrfu qhqr, lbh'er pbzcynvavat nobhg ertrarengvat gb fnir n zna jub jura ur qvrf, ur qvrf.

Anyways, it may take a bit getting used to a Doctor of his age, but I am looking forward to seeing the way Steve Moffat and other writers handle it.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:20 am
by Selezen
If it's stuff from over a year ago (the S4 stuff), is it really a spoiler? I think everyone has seen it by now... Oh, and when you encode something, please list how you've encoded it so that I don't have to trawl across the internet for encryption methods... ;-)

(it's ROT13, by the way everyone)

Anyway, yeah, the whole Donna thing pissed me off. The one companion who DIDN'T fall in love with him and as revenge he wipes her mind and ensures that if she ever remembers him she'll explode. Nice. Way to get rid of the most interesting and well-rounded companion of the new set of series...

And i totally agree with you on the tantrum - "Oi, Doctor, it could be worse. You could actually DIE." That's what Wilf should have said.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:25 am
by JazHaz
Whats with the Doctor appearing younger and younger with each regeneration? Can't wait for the teenage Doctor around regeneration 20! :twisted:

Or is it just that I'm getting older? :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:51 am
by allikat
Sadly it's the latter there JazHaz... Sorry mate.

I'll give this new team a season to settle in, and to let me see how they handle things. I won't comment on things until I've seen it in the tape (well, "in the flesh" wouldn't work for a tv show eh?)

Here's hoping it's a stonker.