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Re: [Release] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:35 am
by Gimi
I feel guilty now that I didn't fully report my findings in July. Might have saved a few people some trouble. My assumption was that this was a compatibility problem between OXP's and not a problem with 1.75. Sorry, and I'll try to be more diligent in the future.

Re: [Release] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:07 am
by onno256
Thanx ADCK, I've downloaded your big ships and will have a look at 'em...

Always nice to have more eye-candy in the spacelanes!


Re: [Release] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:11 pm
by sdrubble
Eric Walch wrote:
sdrubble wrote:
I will also try to [temporarily] ressurrect galNavyTarget-Thargoid.js from the 'Scripts-old' folder, and keep an eye on the log to see how things behave. 8)
The whole implementation of the Galnavy-thargoids in ADCK's oxp is a bug. Those thargoids from gal navy are only supposed to be added for a special mission. And that script is written to set specific mission variables. In ADCK's Behemoths, those thargoids suddenly get a 'thargoid' role. That means they will also be added then no thargoid mission is running. And that way screwing up other GalNavy missions.

So to summarise: its a good thing that the script can't be found. It will probably do more harm than good. On the other hand: when you do the mission the mission will fail because of a missing script.

Also the behemoth addition script is not Oolite 1.75 proof. The original Behemoth script was not 1.75 compatible and I updated the original already well before 1.75 was released. I also informed ADCK about this change. But, after just having downloaded the latest version (1.2) I noticed it still contains the old scripts, incompatible with 1.75. (Okay it is just one character in the whole oxp that is wrong, but that will prevent addition of the behemoth in normal space)
Ok, I'll throw in the towel and stop trying to round up the quirks here... this OXP is massive, anyway, and I see you have already done your own turn of bug-swatting here and nevertheless the bugs still remain.
With all these bugs, its better to stay away from it till this is sorted out. And the 1.2 version of the oxp should probably be moved into the wiki category with problem oxps.

EDIT: done, moved to problem oxp's. The way its written, it will corrupt GalNavy missions when both are installed. And it was NOT 1.75 compatible as previous shown in the wiki table.
Hey man ! That would be the second time this week that good ol' Eric appears out of nowhere, riding his white hors... erm, ship - soon after I report issues in some OXP, and quickly stamps it 'unusable' (the other one being Constrictor more-hints).

What does that me... some sort of Harbinger of Death ? :twisted:

So... one more OXP on my machine heads now to the \Addons-Offline folder. As to me, heading now to grab the original Behemoth.OXP. :?

Ah, and before I forget it - it would be a good idea to insert a comment about the current status of ADCK's Behemoths in its wiki page proper. You've flagged it in the OXP_list, but I suppose there's a multitude of other links that point to , and I bet many people would try to use the OXP without being aware of its now 'official' broken status.

UPDATE: one of those wiki pages that points to ADCK's Behemoths is the GalNavy page itself... maybe it would benefit from a cleanup, or at least a comment re the status of ADCK's Behemoths... IMHO.

Take care, man... your input has always been of great value. :D

Cheers :mrgreen:

EDIT: added statement above, starting with "UPDATE:..."

Re: [Release] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:50 pm
by Eric Walch
I'll add a warning on the ADCK's Behemoths page to not use it alongside Galactic Navy. It will corrupt the missions of the oxp. Maybe it worked with older versions of GN but not with the current one. I also noticed that it adds a new mission ship for the "Nelly" mission. That ship should have a script, but in the ADCK version that script is missing resulting in a breakage of that mission.

I think it needs a full reworking if ADCK want to keep the dependence with GN in it. It would be much simpler when it was just a general Behemoth replacement.

Re: [Release] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:11 am
One day I may come back and fix this OXP, but probably not anytime soon, Sorry guys, please feel free to use this OXP as a modders resource.

Re: [Resource] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:27 am
by pagroove
Hi ADCK long time no see. Glad you're still lurking :D.

Re: [Resource] ADCK's Behemoths

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:12 am
Hey PAG 8)

I liked making OXP for Oolite, but messing with plists was a nightmare.
I see there have been some changes in the last few years, I'll have to check them out.