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weird buggy Griff Coriolis

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:22 pm
by JazHaz
Have a look at the following screenshots. Probably caused by my dodgy on-board graphics. Weird to see polygons with text in them! :o

(Click on them to view in Flickr)



Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:27 pm
by JazHaz
The text in the first image reads "Neolite Shared Com..." something. Odd?!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:54 pm
by Griff
how very odd, i don't have a texture image with those words written in it in that oxp, i wonder why it's happening - maybe you're running out of video memory or something? strange how only half the texture is wrong :?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:58 pm
by JazHaz
And the blue edges are weird too...! :o

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:01 pm
by another_commander
JazHaz: Was it working correctly before? Did it start happening after you changed something in your OXPs configuration?

Also, do you have Neolite installed? If yes, try removing it temporarily and see if this fixes the problem.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:25 pm
by JazHaz
another_commander wrote:
JazHaz: Was it working correctly before? Did it start happening after you changed something in your OXPs configuration?

Also, do you have Neolite installed? If yes, try removing it temporarily and see if this fixes the problem.
Yes, no, and yes!

I think its never happened before to me, so I probably am not worried about it. I like the Neolite ships, so don't really want to remove them.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:51 pm
by Svengali
Check the used textures in both oxps. Could be that both oxps are using the same name for one or more textures.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:02 pm
by JazHaz
JazHaz wrote:
And the blue edges are weird too...! :o
Anyone seen a Griff Coriolis with these blue edged corners? Thinking maybe its a variant that I've not seen before, and perhaps it has a bug in it?
Svengali wrote:
Check the used textures in both oxps. Could be that both oxps are using the same name for one or more textures.
Hmmm, possibly. Problem is that both Neolite & Griff's OXPs have a lot of textures in them.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:33 pm
by Griff
i don't think there's a filename clash, all my texture filenames will start with 'griff_'

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:31 pm
specials-tex.png from neolites is the name of the image shown there, it certainly shouldn't be appearing anywhere on griff corialis,
no idea what could cause it to happen, even renaming the images wouldn't get that weird effect on only a part of the station and keeping the rest as normal.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:42 pm
by Svengali
I've now downloaded Simons Neolite - and he's stating very explicitely that this oxp overrides the inbuild entity declarations. And it's true - he's doing it. The problem starts when other oxps are trying to like_ship things with the seen result.

So it's pretty clear a either/or thing. The only chance is to change Simons Neolites, because it will happen with other oxps too.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:10 am
by DaddyHoggy
Svengali wrote:
I've now downloaded Simons Neolite - and he's stating very explicitely that this oxp overrides the inbuild entity declarations. And it's true - he's doing it. The problem starts when other oxps are trying to like_ship things with the seen result.

So it's pretty clear a either/or thing. The only chance is to change Simons Neolites, because it will happen with other oxps too.
I use neolite but not many other OXPs, initially I was happy that his ships replaced the originals but now I miss them, how do I alter Simon's OXP so I have his ships and the originals (and of course I've got Griff's ships too!)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:55 am
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Svengali wrote:
I've now downloaded Simons Neolite - and he's stating very explicitely that this oxp overrides the inbuild entity declarations. And it's true - he's doing it. The problem starts when other oxps are trying to like_ship things with the seen result.

So it's pretty clear a either/or thing. The only chance is to change Simons Neolites, because it will happen with other oxps too.
I use neolite but not many other OXPs, initially I was happy that his ships replaced the originals but now I miss them, how do I alter Simon's OXP so I have his ships and the originals (and of course I've got Griff's ships too!)
you'd need to alter the shipdata.plist in neolites, for every ship entry.

Code: Select all

	"adder" =

Code: Select all

	"something-else-adder" =
for every ship, thats from the first line in the plist...
every ship would need to have that done to their first line.


The above won't fix the OP's problem, this is compeltely unrelated.
What we're seeing is a texture from an anaconda and some other ships getting overlayed on a ship (station in this case) that has no relation what so ever to the original.
It's more likely a graphical glitch or a corruption of some files.

I'd suggest a complete reinstalation of Oolite and all oxp's

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:05 am
by Eric Walch
DaddyHoggy wrote:
I use neolite but not many other OXPs, initially I was happy that his ships replaced the originals but now I miss them, how do I alter Simon's OXP so I have his ships and the originals (and of course I've got Griff's ships too!)
You can't easy. Neolite is overwriting them and Griff's stuff is telling to ignore them. To get them you must edit both. However, when you want old looking ships just install the rusties (mPakRedux.oxp). Because of their deliberate old look they fit better in together with the new shiny stuff.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:21 am
by Griff
you can stop the 'griff_' oxp's supressing the appearance of the basic shipset by removing or renaming the 'shipdata-overrides.plist' and the 'shipyard-overrides.plist' files from inside the config folder in the 'griff_' oxp's, at least i think that's all you have to do :D