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GRIFF ! When will all Oolite's ships be done ?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:32 pm
by Commander Burton

Your normal mapped ships are amazing, truly. They are the best I have seen without question.

Do you have an ETA for the rework of ALL Oolite's base ships ?

Soon please :wink:

BTW - Mamba next, my favourite pirate craft.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:36 pm
by Griff
:lol: I went hunting through the screenshots thread to find the first screen shots of the cobraIII, i was shocked to find they were posted on Thu Jan 22, 2009 - it seems much longer ago than that!

Let's see, with a bit of enthusiasm i can usually do a ship every 4-5 weeks, that's not working constantly though, i can only really do most of the work on weekends, and there's about 6 ships left to do i think? mamba, gecko, asp, boa I & II - i didn't even have to pause here to list them - the 'still to do list' haunts my every waking moment!
nah, it's not that bad, it's great fun working on them!
as an small update normalmap fans, i've got the transporter model made, just needs texturing & shaders and then i'll do the mamba! although treating myself to an xbox360 for Christmas isn't helping, bloomin fable 2, i'm working all hours at the blacksmiths to earn gold to afford furniture to keep my new wife happy, and although her status page lists her as 'wants sex' i haven't worked out the correct expression to lure her into bed yet, it definately isn't any of the expressions i've tried out on her so far.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:46 pm
by Killer Wolf
" her status page lists her as 'wants sex' i haven't worked out the correct expression to lure her into bed yet, it definately isn't any of the expressions i've tried out on her so far."

this is sounding like a more interesting game than Oolite!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:03 pm
by Griff
yeah, i was a bit suprised by the direction the game took at that point too!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:06 pm
by bigmike20vt
lol that is a game i really must get into (Fable not enticing women wanting sex to my bed!!)

can get the GOTY edition for £15 if you look around too.

i really do love your models Griff, there are lots of good oxps for oolite but they are the pick of the bunch.

any chance of them being built into the default game?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:14 pm
by Griff
fable 2 is great! but to be honest, i think i married too young, there i was, a bold young adventurer just heading off on my first quest to level up my health points, and then next thing you know i'm married to the former fiance of a vengeful ghost i met a few miles up the road.

about the ship-set, i'm not too sure at the moment if they will be worked into the game fully, i'll certainly put them up for consideration when the whole set is complete, but then, it's quite handy for oolite players to be able to drop them in and out of their game depending on their taste or computer spec. etc as an oxp.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:36 pm
by Killer Wolf
think i might have to look at OXPing that game, i could make a Dominatrix of an entirely different sort :-)