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Help needed with Wings3d/Obj2DatTex

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:50 am

I can't figure out why, but whenever i export the above 4 models from Wings3d to obj, then convert them to dat with Obj2DatTex the dat files contain no info on the UVMap/texture, can anyone help me with this? I'm probably forgetting one simple step as I've managed to get this to work in the past.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:45 am
by Griff
I can't explain what was wrong with your models, but through a short process of converting the meshes from the wings format to obj, then importing that obj into Lightwave, then re-exporting them back as obj's to wings they now seem to work ok with the script
the working dats and working obj's are here

open the dats in a text editor (not windows notepad!) and search replace checkerboard.png with your texture filename (checkerboard.png is a test texturemap i used during the converting processes above)

Beautiful models by the way!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:21 pm
Thanks much!

Ya, i tried like a million diff things and couldn't figure out why the UV maps weren't sticking, i'm guessing the problem is Wings and not Obj2Dat.

Maybe i'll try a fresh install of wings. See if that works.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:32 am
I also find that exporting it to 3ds then making a new file in wings importing that 3ds file and re-exporting as obj works too, easier as it only uses one program that way :P

But thanks for the tip, wouldn't of been able to work it out otherwise.