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Looking for a challenge?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:42 am
by Hawk
Can you start up from the most humble beginnings to be an Elite pilot?

In this hacked save, you start off with an Adder with only a pulse laser and only 100 credits to your name.

Try it if you dare ;-)

I hope to be able to contribute some nice OXPs as soon as I have more time on my hands.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:50 am
by Chrisfs
That's tough. At least a beam laser would allow a more promising piratical career.

There's always asteroid shooting at 1 cr a pop.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:07 am
by Hawk
The 2t cargo space allows some light trading of commodities and of course you get the safe for lightweight trade goods, with a little luck and possibly some smugging you should be able to make enough for a beam laser within a few trips. I think my first upgrade will be an ECM tho, trying to dodge missiles with no witchdrive injector usually results in death for me.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:41 am
by Zbond-Zbond
just made 1st journey - docked at Zaonce - have exactly ¢200 and a full load of furs to take to Qutiri - so far so good :)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:07 am
by Hawk
Nice. I have the Deep Space Pirates OXP enabled on mine, so Qutiri is a bit of a no-go area. I am using the Diso - Leesti milk run for now.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:40 am
by Zbond-Zbond
I'm selling gemstones at HoOpy Casino + buying furs there/sell at Rich Industrial anywhere

Adder not very RAPID!

later edit: now have ¢10,000 but it's going to take ages to afford a ship that will carry a bit more cargo (considering Adder Mk II)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:04 pm
by Hawk
I haven't tried the HoOpy Casino OXP yet. I was a bit cautious about adding OXPs because I didn't want to lose the Elite feel to the game.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:56 pm
by Poro
They're great, even though I'm bankrupt and desperate right now, I just know that if I can scrape together 100cr for another pop: I can make it all back! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:55 pm
by snork
So, did you stick with this ?
How far are you into the game ? What are your experiences with starting with an Adder ?

I am thinking to start a new game, with a poorer ship than the Cobra3. But the Adder seems a really really tough choice for me .
Slow ship, only 2 t cargospace and one (slow-recharge) energy bank only. :?

But the only other possible ship seems to be the Cobra Mk.1, as the Moray boats are too high in resale value.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:01 am
by Zbond-Zbond
E … V … E … N … T … U … A … L … L … Y crawled up the ladder, installed an OXP or two and am now zipping around in a shiny Mosquito :D

It feels great -- but because of many time constraints in other galaxies :? I can't quite remember how I made it here; I was going to try for a MorayMedicalBoat but didn't see one or something so came via AdderMkII which is available in the Marrett oxp (with the various Mosquito models) marett_vol1_b.oxp

I added the Casino because wealthy patrons sell their FURS, out of sight, pretending to go to the "bank" Ha! their bankers had placed them on a hit list by that time, and I am their only hope to finance a penultimate flutter, certain to win, certain to win, before option two kicks in..

Option Two - how common in casinos must be the pathetic sight of once wealthy patrons barely able to afford clothes at all, let alone the furs that once adorned their finely sculpted limbs, lurking in the safety of shadow where laser equipped bank managers dare not tread. And how, in that darkness, they must dazzle! New arrivals may enjoy their company, and how eager they would be to please. But they feel naked. Surely some small trinket? That commander there - perhaps some GEMSTONES would be available? ..and funnily enough THEY WOULD BE!!

These trade opportunities are somewhat erratic, but at this early stage (of a game) I can't visit a high tech station without visiting the casino as well, especially when flying an an Adder, so the OXP is in. hOopyCasino1.0.1.oxp

FreeTrade Zone is in, too, for the bullion prices FTZ v0.13.oxp but otherwise it was pretty well the vanilla. experience. Vanilla with hundreds & thousands maybe?

Groovy baby 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:29 am
by allikat
I am (unusually for me) carrying on from the normal cobby 3 start position. By now, on the beeb version, I'd quit and started again at harmless, simply because the challenge of kills wasn't there. Oooh, someone's turned up on my scanner, they're over there, must be a pirate, swing round, open up with the milly, *poof* another few creds, wonder what they were flying before I turned the whole group to dust inside 5 seconds?

With Oolite, I am continuing, and am inches away from matching my board rank with my Oolite one. And I just earned my very own naval energy unit :)

If I were to try a restart with a smaller ship, then a moray would be the one I'd go for, it's got just enough cargo space to be worth it. But to be honest, nothing small quite matches the cobby 3, it's... just the perfect combination of combat ship and light freighter.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:00 am
by Zbond-Zbond
allikat wrote:
..on the beeb version..
:?: can you remember whether fuel injectors were available on either the cassette or disk versions from that era..

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:40 am
by allikat
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
allikat wrote:
..on the beeb version..
:?: can you remember whether fuel injectors were available on either the cassette or disk versions from that era..
Nope, on neither.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:46 pm
by Diziet Sma
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
E … V … E … N … T … U … A … L … L …
FreeTrade Zone is in, too, for the bullion prices FTZ v0.13.oxp but otherwise it was pretty well the vanilla. experience. Vanilla with hundreds & thousands maybe?

Groovy baby 8)
I'd have thought a FTZ would be a no-go-zone for an Adder... they tend to have a lot of anti-social types hanging about.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:24 pm
by Zbond-Zbond
Overshoot at an angle of >45° and approach from behiund
Be prepared to zigzag a bit as you come around the front and don't slow down as you weave into the docking bay :twisted: