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shady sungs oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:15 pm
by bigmike20vt

am trying to get this to default over the standard ships, (currently using neolite)

however the readme says to replace the files in the olite resource directory with the sung ones. as soon as i do that hpwever oolite refuses to load.

please advise on what am doing wrong.


Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:33 am
Eh, you read the wrong readme, that readme was only included because it contains the licencing info of the original Sungs Textures and the instalation proceedures are only relevent to the non-shader version and wont work for the Shader version, to get the shader version to work just put the "shady_sungs.oxp" Directory in the Addons directory like any other oxp.

Furthermore, neolite replaces the standard ships with diff models and textures, so even if you tried installing the non shader version it wouldn't work unless you uninstalled neolites.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:56 am
by bigmike20vt
ahh ok.

i did remove the neolite, i misunderstood the text file i read then thanks.

so i guess the sung one will work in the same way as the griff one then and the ships just pop up now and then in the course of the game

thanks for the info :)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:41 am
bigmike20vt wrote:
ahh ok.

i did remove the neolite, i misunderstood the text file i read then thanks.

so i guess the sung one will work in the same way as the griff one then and the ships just pop up now and then in the course of the game

thanks for the info :)
They have the exact same chance to appear as their normal counterparts, eh i also believe the pricing is different than standard on shipyard ships, i think i used the prices from Realistic Shipyards for that.
I'll probably use standard pricing in the Shaderfied Sungs Textures 2.0 And remove priate ships from the market. (and re-ad them in an optional pirate unlock oxp)

BTW, Shaderfied Sungs Textures 2.0 will see mupltiple colour varients of the ships using shader techniques handed down by the wise shader guru Griff :P

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:45 am
by JeffBTX
Strictly speaking, the OXP should ** simply change ALL ship appearances **. Including the CURRENT player ship if possible (couldn't you just use the same reference(s) that are in a vanilla savegame?) Keep separate concepts separate, and in separate OXPs.

(EDIT: Thats why I didn't use this after downloading and trying it. The universe was inconsistant. Kept it as an archive, though).

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:41 am
JeffBTX wrote:
Strictly speaking, the OXP should ** simply change ALL ship appearances **. Including the CURRENT player ship if possible (couldn't you just use the same reference(s) that are in a vanilla savegame?) Keep separate concepts separate, and in separate OXPs.

(EDIT: Thats why I didn't use this after downloading and trying it. The universe was inconsistant. Kept it as an archive, though).
Overwriting the default ships is a bad choice, it invalidates other oxp's and causes conflicts that are un-needed.
It's a simple task to change your save game to use a new ship if that was all you were concerned about.

You could use a vanilla ships shipdata_override.plist too if you want to remove the vanilla ships,
I believe Griff Normalmapped ships has one there you could use as a template.
But that's not within the scope of this oxp, this oxp is about adding to the universe, not subtracting from it.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:49 am
Also, could a moderator please kindly merge this thread with

I'd prefer to keep all of these matters together for future referance.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:14 am
by JensAyton
ADCK wrote:
Overwriting the default ships is a bad choice, it invalidates other oxp's and causes conflicts that are un-needed.
Changing attributes of ships (such as appearance) without causing conflicts is exactly what shipdata_override.plist is intended for.
ADCK wrote:
Also, could a moderator please kindly merge this thread with
Split, or split not; there is no merge.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:22 am
by Commander McLane
Ahruman wrote:
ADCK wrote:
Also, could a moderator please kindly merge this thread with
Split, or split not; there is no merge.
... and this is why it is wise to discuss one issue in one topic, and not bring the issue up in several topics at the same time... :)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:35 pm
by Thargoid
Ahruman wrote:
Split, or split not; there is no merge.
Unless you get the Lord Giles to install the bb hack which gives that capability...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:31 am
Ah i see, i was thinking it would have that capability, as I've been an admin on PhpBB2 sites before.
(even though this site seems to be PhpBB1 which i am not too familiar with, it can't be that diff right? or maybe not)
Would I be right in guessing we don't have anyone on staff who has access to the CPanel/FTP for this site?
So it could be upgraded to PhpBB2 or 3 and have addons added?
Or is it that you (the admins) just don't want to screw with it cause Phpbb likes to be fussy? :P

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:40 am
by JazHaz
ADCK wrote:
(even though this site seems to be PhpBB1 which i am not too familiar with, it can't be that diff right? or maybe not)
This is phpbb2, definately! :roll:

If it was phpbb1, then it wouldn't have this section in the FAQ! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:37 am
Appears I was wrong then, still even for PHPbb2 this is a pretty basic setup, only using the default settings.