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traversing the universe, is it a necessity or is it for fun?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:18 am
by bigmike20vt

i suspect this may be a bit of a pointless question but i shall ask anyway.

the point of the different galaxies, is it just simply that as you progress
from 1 to the next it gets more difficult?

or do you get different types of missions etc that simply do not exist in the
1st galaxy?.

As this isnt a story driven game per se (or am i wrong and someone has written
a giant uber mission OXP which spans the 8 galaxies, if so i MUST get it!!!)

i am wondering what the incentive is to travel from 1 side of the universe to
another, is it just for the fun of exploring or is there a reason why it is



Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:30 am
by Rxke
It doesn't get harder originally, but most OXP's generally get harder when you go 'up' the next galaxies.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:34 am
by bigmike20vt
thanks for the reply.

so without oxps then its just for the point of moving around to keep t interesting rather than a need to progress then.



Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:40 am
by ClymAngus
Basically yes, but oxp missions and galaxy specific ships do pep things up a bit.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:45 pm
by Sendraks
The six core missions in Oolite are galaxy specific. For example, to complete the Constrictor mission you have to go to galaxy 2.

Re: traversing the universe, is it a necessity or is it for

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:11 pm
by CptnEcho
bigmike20vt wrote:

i suspect this may be a bit of a pointless question but i shall ask anyway.

the point of the different galaxies, is it just simply that as you progress
from 1 to the next it gets more difficult?

or do you get different types of missions etc that simply do not exist in the
1st galaxy?.

As this isnt a story driven game per se (or am i wrong and someone has written
a giant uber mission OXP which spans the 8 galaxies, if so i MUST get it!!!)

i am wondering what the incentive is to travel from 1 side of the universe to
another, is it just for the fun of exploring or is there a reason why it is


Generally, exploring the galaxies is done for fun.
There are missions (which are native to the game or installed via OXP's) which require a player to visit various galaxies to complete the mission(s).

A player should equip their ship to "Iron Ass" status before attempting missions. So trade, trade and trade for profit until you've fully equipped your ship well enough to go hunting.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:19 pm
by Alex
Hi Bigmike,

Going the trip around the galaxies for me was a trip of fun the first time, got to know about the oxp's and what they intailed. At a basic level.

Been round a few times now and still have to ask noobee 'Q's in here for a lot of the oxp's. And I was playing elite in the early 80's at ***Elite*** level!..

As far as I think, The trip round gives you a chance to pick your favourite one. Mine is G3, though I like to go to G7 noo and again to push my assassin ship.

I have different ships in different galaxies so I can play different games.

Where else have you ever came across such a versitile game like Oolite?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:07 pm
by bigmike20vt

indeed, its such a good premise for a game, and on the surface seems simple, yet imo none of the other retail "clones" have managed to capture the "feel" of the original.

so much so i cant wait to get back home and put a few hrs into it again (though its difficult, i do not have a gaming rig any more i use my xbox, so am having to use my media pc under the telly, my girlfriend isnt best happy about it and has already said after not much play that if i want to play it much i need to buy a new pc for the games room**.

**its funny how all my consoles etc get relegated to the "games room" but odly the wii gets to stay in the lounge as its more social apparently

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:59 pm
by JazHaz
Sendraks wrote:
The six core missions in Oolite are galaxy specific. For example, to complete the Constrictor mission you have to go to galaxy 2.
I'm currently in galaxy 2 since I did the Constrictor mission. I assume I have to go to 3 to get the next mission?

Wanted to explore the galaxy fully before moving on though.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:53 pm
by Chrisfs
I have a passenger berth (2 in fact), so crossing the galaxcy from one side to another can be quite profitable. I think I got almost 20,000 in one run once from the passenger alone, with trade along the way more than paying for fuel.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:49 pm
by Zbond-Zbond
Chrisfs wrote:
20,000 in one run once from the passenger
Oo! That's good! Are a lot of passenger contracts needed to get up to that level of payment? I enjoy zigzagging about the place with cargo contracts, too - and they definitely improve after a medium number of successful deliveries.

Getting out of a galaxy can be good to lose the fugitive status (unless running Anarchies OXP, I think - how I jolted at my command station when I realized that I was still cannon fodder!!) and repeated trade in one location can deplete stocks a bit (=entirely!); even returning to another - previously diminished - trade archipelago is unrewarding, and this is the time to invest in that GalHyperdrive.

Some OXP missions get a bit intense, too..
A sudden exit from the galaxy is the only way to buy breathing space and get your lasers cooled, pending a return with renewed ferocity .. .. .. bit expensive though

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:57 pm
by Chrisfs
A couple are required, I didn't actually keep track. Keep in mind this is from one edge of Galaxy 1 all the way to the other (left to right). I used to do it without Deep Space Pirates OXP, so if I needed to hop on an anarchy system, I could get there rather safely. Now it would be a bit of a different story. Still I like how the Deep Space Pirates taunt before attacking.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:59 pm
by JeffBTX
Someone said it takes about 7 (a chart shows 5+) passenger runs to make it to max passenger reputation.

I got 21,000 Cr once for doing a 23 jump trip.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:21 am
by Kaks
I didn't notice this earlier, but probably the best possible answer to

traversing the universe, is it a necessity or is it for fun?


it's for you to find out! :P

Apparently some people don't find it necessary to leave galaxy 1, some can't wait to start exploring other galaxies. Since the whole of Oolite is supposed to be for fun, any 'necessary' bits are actually there to hopefully provide more fun, anyway! :D

Re: traversing the universe, is it a necessity or is it for

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:22 pm
by Commander McLane
bigmike20vt wrote:
(or am i wrong and someone has written
a giant uber mission OXP which spans the 8 galaxies, if so i MUST get it!!!)
Cataclysm spans several. :wink:

But you will have to traverse the eight charts at least once before you're even offered it. :)