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Hello everyone!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:11 am
by Mfdc
I just wanted to say Hi, after inadvertently stumbling across this fantastic piece of software.

You've all worked wonders, and I'm looking forward to getting home tonight, and starting upon my first sortie into the Oolite world, after not playing the original Elite for over ten years.

Im so excited :D

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:15 am
by Mfdc
As a side point, I have an avatar, but despite it being the correct dimensions, format and filesize, and attempting both a direct upload to the bullitin board, and hosting it online and specifiying a FQ path, it still doesnt work. Can someone address this?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:17 am
by Screet
Welcome to the board!
Mfdc wrote:
As a side point, I have an avatar, but despite it being the correct dimensions, format and filesize, and attempting both a direct upload to the bullitin board, and hosting it online and specifiying a FQ path, it still doesnt work. Can someone address this?
It's temporarily disabled due to abuse - apparantly there's some security hole connected with the avatar functionality.

Aside from that, have fun with oolite and don't miss all those great oxp additions!


Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:18 am
by Chrisfs
and welcome to the friendliest board this side of Reidquat (tm). :)

Glad you found the game and the board. It's a blast and with optional mods (OXP), you can played the original or add new features with the dozens of mods that have been written for Oolite. There are instructions (in the DOC folder I think) and a big wiki that explains lots (google oolite wiki). And of course the boards.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:45 am
by Mfdc
bless you guys, thanks. Yeah with regards to the avatar I did notice that the error was a permission denied access error, so I guess it was something to do with security which seems to plague PHPBB boards!

Im hoping to do some development OXPs, as Id like to think im fairly handy :!:

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:31 pm
by seventh
Mfdc wrote:
You've all worked wonders, and I'm looking forward to getting home tonight, and starting upon my first sortie into the Oolite world, after not playing the original Elite for over ten years.

Im so excited :D
Yep, it's familiar feeling :D

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:11 pm
by Screet
Mfdc wrote:
Im hoping to do some development OXPs, as Id like to think im fairly handy :!:
Now that would be good - we could all have more fun that way :)


Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:32 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Mfdc wrote:
bless you guys, thanks. Yeah with regards to the avatar I did notice that the error was a permission denied access error, so I guess it was something to do with security which seems to plague PHPBB boards!

Im hoping to do some development OXPs, as Id like to think im fairly handy :!:
Welcome - and enjoy! :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:54 pm
by 0235
if you do start making your own OXP's that would be great, unlike me, who has no clue how to make them.
thats the great thing about Oolite, you can make it your own

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:31 pm
by Mfdc
What I'd like to do, and of course, Im sure its been done hundreds of times before but better, is to do some generation ships, perhaps some turreted new weapon systems, see if the underlaying phsyics can be played with, whilst I appreciate a lot of the game-engine wil be hard coded for functionality and balance, I always think perhaps with a little bit of reverse engineering, we could do some pretty slick stuff. Im really excited.

Having worked in the IT world for over fifteen years, and to have missed this little gem is embarassing, I cant wait to get stuck in, and you guys and girls all seem a friendly bunch, who wont burn me at the digital stake if I ask any n00B questions :-)

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:15 pm
by CptnEcho
Mfdc wrote:
I just wanted to say Hi, after inadvertently stumbling across this fantastic piece of software.

You've all worked wonders, and I'm looking forward to getting home tonight, and starting upon my first sortie into the Oolite world, after not playing the original Elite for over ten years.

Im so excited :D
Greetings and salutations. Welcome to the Oolite forums. 8)

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:03 pm
by Mfdc
Thankyou Cap'n :-)

Ok so I wanted to offer up some feedback from my very own point of view, ask a few questions (which I've checked to make sure havent been asked before) etc

I started with Elite on a BBC Micro, and since, have played almost every version, my favourite being the Acorn Archimedes version, which I believe, is the conneseurs choice 8) but up until recentley, I've never found any rehash of Elite paticularly good, other than X2: The threat, which I appreciate, is more of an arcade game.

So, after numerous hours on Oolite, I was happy, it is a great piece of software, but when I look at all the things Id like to see in it, and know its pretty much within my grasp to develop, its an uphill struggle to enjoy Oolite without the "what if". What if there was a more intergrated planetary engine? What it it was to some degree multi player (dont worry, Ive read the history on this with Oolite extensivley!!)

After spending some time on this forum, someone took me down a dark back alley, and whispered into my ear " Vendetta " and I have to admit, I've been playing both Oolite and this, now non stop over the weekend, and I love them both.

Im not sure which direction I want to go in, it seems unfeasible to be able to do both, whats everyone else's thoughts on Vendetta? Technically and otherwise?

Am I barking up the wrong space trading tree? I love the community aspect of both games, and am staggered that something so pretty as Oolite can be slotted into the relativley small space of a few 'k' of memory.

I guess Ill continue, see how I get on, :D