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Fixed my random crashes!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:42 pm
by Edmund
Thought I'd post this as it's an example of the general advice given working for me and fixing crashes! I was getting random crashes, and some reliable ones and was going through the tiresome task of swap testing all the OXPs. Dicatators was a reliable crasher, and also Dredger trader viewed in the shipyard and some other ships.
I thought I'd updated my graphics drivers by clicking 'update drivers' in the device properties accessed through the Hardware tab of System Properties (win XP, Nvidia G6150SE nforce 430 built into MB).
But NO! when I went here:
I found newer drivers to download and Lo! my crashes all went away, haven't had a single crash since and I've been throwing OXPs at it willy-nilly.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:11 am
by Chrisfs
updating video drivers did a great job for me as well.