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Hurk! My OXPs just aren't working!

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:56 am
by vede
So, I really don't care for Oolite's default graphics (mostly in the texture area), so I came here in pursuit of some graphical upgrades, and found Griff's normal mapped textures OXP to be pretty awesome-looking. I promptly downloaded it, put griffswhatever.oxp in Oolite/AddOns but it did nothing.

So I returned here. I tried holding shift when Oolite started. I tried pressing shift repeatedly on startup (read something here about how you had to press it at a certain time, so I decided I may as well give that a try). I added the .oxp to basically every directory I could find on the forums, and on the wiki, and in the readmes. A good number of directories with "GNUstep" anywhere in the path ended up with an oxp file in them. I even tried messing with requires.plist in the OXPs as well, to fit my version (as seen in the window caption). Then I changed them all to fit what was in release.txt in the Oolite directory.

I ended up with an array of results:
1) a whole bunch of .oxp files scattered all over my computer.
2) a headache
3) still vanilla Oolite

Vastly dissatisfactory results, as you might be able to note.

So I return once more, and beg for assistance! I'd really like to get these things working, since I know there's a lot more stuff I can add to the game after visual modifications, and not having access to any of these is very disappointing.

I am running Ubuntu 9.10, and currently have Oolite in $HOME/.local/Oolite (in case it's significant)

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:36 am
by Killer Wolf
OXPs go in the AddOns folder and nowhere else.
Press shift, doubleclick your Oolite icon to fire up and keep the Shift pressed until you see the spinning Cobra.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:10 am
by vede
Killer Wolf wrote:
OXPs go in the AddOns folder and nowhere else.
Press shift, doubleclick your Oolite icon to fire up and keep the Shift pressed until you see the spinning Cobra.
Yeah, I did that. I said I did that. Did you not trust me or something?

And a lot of people here say (as does the wiki) that on Debian (note, Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian) the directory is different. There are four different directories in just one paragraph on the wiki, if I recall correctly. After every single one didn't work, I branched out. And still nothing worked.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:29 am
by Cmdr James
Sure, we believe you, its just that this is exactly the correct thing, and normally works, so Killer Wolf is trying to be as specific as posible to see if there is something that got missed. Typically people forget to unzip the OXP, so something like that.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:39 am
by Killer Wolf
you posted lots of stupid things you did so i pointed out the right approach for next time to save you wasting your time.

you're welcome.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:47 am
by Thargoid
On my Ubuntu box, just making a folder called AddOns in the .Oolite folder in my home directory (same folder that the log folder is in, you'll need to enable viewing hidden files/folders to see it), then sticking the .oxp folders in there makes it work perfectly.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:25 pm
by Kaks
Hello Vede, if you look at the log file you should see a line starting with:
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
Where it will tell you all the place Oolite is looking at in order to find oxps.

One problem you might have is that you simply renamed the .zip files to .oxp (it has been known to happen).

What you actually need to do is to open the zip file, and find the directory that's already called 'whatever.oxp', then place that in the most likely place.

As Thargoid already said, in ubuntu the best place for OXPs is generally the $HOME/.Oolite/AddOns folder,

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:14 pm
by vede
Well, here's my opportunity to feel mildly stupid...

I had been putting OXPs in ~/.local/Oolite with all the other Oolite files, even after seeing ~/.Oolite/AddOns all the time. I just mentally converted it to ~/.local/Oolite and never put anything in ~/.Oolite since it just looked like a relatively unimportant log folder.

Aaaaaanyway. Thanks, guys. >.>

*goes and hides*