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Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:42 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Of the High Seas Variety... ... 01?sp=true

Unbelievable story - but I'm thinking - does this translate into Oolite? A super variant of Pirate Coves? (A Black Pirate Monk Cove? :wink: )

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:04 pm
by Chrisfs

in a weird way, it kinda points to how people share a lot in common. Pirates support municipal functions like a hospital and everyone wants in on the profit.

I'm wondering what else the women got in the divorce settlement.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:51 pm
by JensAyton
You lot, who preach restraint and watch your waist as well
Should learn, for once, the way the world is run
However much you twist, or whatever lies that you tell
Food is the first thing, morals follow on
Second Threepenny Finale (Zweiter Dreigroschenfinale), Brecht/Manheim/Willett

While I don’t condone their actions, it’s hard to think of a better suggestion. It’s also … disheartening … that the external conditions that affected the rise of piracy in Somalia are so seldom mentioned. One of them is hinted at in the article:
Now he guards a Thai fishing boat held just offshore
And how do you think that came to be there?

The pirates have described themselves as the “Volunteer Coast Guard of Somalia”, and that description isn’t entirely ironic.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:34 pm
by Killer Wolf
why someone doesn't go in w/ a diguised gunboat, lure them out then blow the fkrs out the water is simply beyond me.