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Assassins Mission Help - Please

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:09 pm
by Torrens

I am fairly new to Oolite, after being an Elite fan on the Acorn Electron as a kid.

I have managed to well equip my Cobra MkIII ( I am a abit of a traditionalist ), got myself to Dangerous and loaded the Assissins Guild OXP.

But I am stuck on the Zarausxian Hockey team within the Tiared System.

Where do I find the liner?, been around the planets, sun etc, but no sign of them.

When I was given the contract, i must admit i didn't memorise the brief, Can I get to read it again ( without reading any codes in the programme, don't want to get into that just yet )

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:59 pm
by splunkjamma
I just jump into the system and fly straight towards the planet.
At fairly close proximity to the planet the hockey team and their minders start attacking.

Maybe try jumping out of the system and back in?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:02 am
by Yodeebe
I've had exactly the same thing. I had seen the hockey team, and un-leashed mrs tiger-wOOds on their back windscreen a long time ago, but for some un-related reason i went back a few saves (i think it was because the new Caduceus 'appeared' in the shipyard of an older savegame), and when i try to do it again they are just no-where to be seen. they're not in any of the adjacent planets either. I've been in & out, backwards forwards, left it a while, back again, searched all the adjacent planets etc etc.
is this the end of my assassins career? :roll:
could someone maybe tell me if this is as it's meant to be?
or am i looking in the wrong place?

<string>Your fellow eliminators rank you as a moderately able Vigilante.</string>
<string>Arrange that an accident befalls the Zarausxian Hockey Team in the Tiared System.</string>


Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:34 am
by Screet
Yodeebe wrote:
I've had exactly the same thing.
Just a thought...could it be that you did install an oxp which relocates the planet or such in the time since you first flew that mission successfully?


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:26 am
by Yodeebe
re-locates the planet? i don't think so. it's still there, it's still got its little red cross on it, and the mission screen still says 'elliminate the Zarausxian hockey team', but no hockey team to be found - ever. and i have tried a L O T of times.
It's as if part of the game thinks i've done it already, and part of it doesn't.
this happened before too, found them once, then not again.
(sometimes i like to reload a pre mish save game, and see if i can do it better)
is there a way i can change something like <terrusian hockey team assassinated = <true> or something, so assassins can continue on it's merry way?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:33 pm
by Yodeebe
anyone? where can I 'adjust' the program so that the hockey team is logged as done?
i did get em once, honest!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:58 pm
by LittleBear

If you really can't find em. Edit your save game to change it to :-


If you do that, Oolite will assume that you killed the team and the OXP will proceed from there....

(Note: Assassins will run if you have the orbits.oxp installed, but all the assassins planets will be in the wrong place, making it difficult to find your victims. So if you have orbits.oxp installed, take it out and only put it back in once you've finished assassins. - The Orbits OXP may be inculeded in OSE / RS - I don't know, but if it is it will mess up Assassins so take out OSE / RS as well.).

<returns to lurk>

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:29 am
by Yodeebe
Thanks LB. it's been erksome for ages, that.
I've been back there 20 odd times, & searched proper. tried going back to early saves, and allsorts. definitely something amis.
I haven't got Orbits.oxp, or OSE, but did have various OSE test releases when i 1st did the mission.
just Griff stuff & Simon ships now, and all the flavours & missions. nice & moody.
oh, and my golf caddy,'Tigress Woods' with No. 5 iron plasma turrets :wink:

At Last

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:31 pm
by Torrens
Got them. :P

I revisited the planet a number of times ( probably 15+ ) travelling direct to the planet, sometimes I found the Nemisis escorts, but no liner and sometimes nothing at all.

Then last night, bingo. Got them.

Must be some quirk, but looks like if you keep trying, you get them.

Don't know if it matters but I never found them when I used the time speed up ( don't know the correct terminology ), but did when I was patient.

( I am running assassins and deep space pirates OXP's ).

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:27 pm
by JQW
Same problems here. I've been flying around whole area for ages now, and not a peep of the hockey team. I've been attacked by their escorts once, but even then no sign of the actual hockey team.

I've taken out virtually every OXP as well; the ones that are left don't explicitly do anything with Galaxy 7.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:09 am
by Zbond-Zbond
I enjoyed the economics in G7, especially after locating that hockey team! Where were they? To pass the time I did a bit of narcotics running in the vicinity, and was having so much fun that when the team turned up - as they did - I'd almost forgotten why I was there..

Have you visited a gas giant? They're great! (but don't bother using a docking computer out there).


Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:20 pm
by JQW
I've found them twice now. It seems that time dilation was causing them to not appear. Now I need to get a better equipped ship....