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Ship/object making announcement

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:49 pm
by drew
Can somebody give me a small piece of script (or AI whatever it is) that 'announces' something as you come into range.

I'd like to have something like "A-ha, welcome commander" when you come into range of a particular object, rather like the 'space rickshaw' ships do, but I can't find the code for this.

Can anyone provide a quick 'howto'?



Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:01 pm
by Commander McLane
You can do it both ways, by AI or script.

In earlier days you had to use AI, but nowadays I find script more elegant. PM or email me what you need, and I'll send you something. (And this time I'll zip it right away. :wink: )